May 2014
Bletchley Park CEO Iain Standen has told a new support hub for businesses how focusing on the fascinating story of World War Two Codebreaking helped transform Bletchley Park from a ramshackle, derelict site into a vibrant heritage attraction.
Velocity, a new growth hub for ambitious small and medium-sized enterprises across the South East Midlands, was launched in the newly-restored Block C Visitor Centre at Bletchley Park on Friday 23 May. It will help businesses unlock their potential by helping them to find funding and support. Bletchley Park was the ideal launch location as it is in the final stages of completing an £8 million restoration programme; £5 million in Heritage Lottery Funding and £3 million match fund raised by the Bletchley Park Trust.
Picture: ©shaunarmstrong/
#BPark, #Bletchleypark, #VelocityGrowth, #MK