September 2014
As well as marking the 75th anniversary of the Government Code and Cypher School getting its vital war work underway, this year’s annual Veterans’ Reunion will give many their first chance to see how Bletchley Park has been transformed.
2014 is a landmark year for the Bletchley Park Trust, marking not only 75 years since the Codebreakers got cracking on the task of breaking enemy codes and ciphers, but also the completion of a much-needed £8 million restoration project, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
At this year’s Veterans’ Reunion, many former workers of the Government Code and Cypher School will see the new Block C Visitor Centre, lovingly restored Codebreaking Huts 3 and 6 and the reinstated landscaped parkland for the first time.
Visitors too can experience the World War Two
atmosphere and feel what it was like for the
thousands of men and women whose work at
Bletchley Park and its outstations helped shorten
the war, saving countless lives. On Sunday the 7th
of September, they will have the rare opportunity
to walk among some of those extraordinary men
and women.
By the time the Codebreakers arrived at Bletchley Park in 1939, a small number of Huts had already been built among the existing buildings on this Victorian country estate. The first delegation, codenamed Captain Ridley’s Shooting Party, had spent around a month setting up communications on the site in 1938.
Picture: ©Bletchley Park Trust
#BPark, #Bletchleypark, #ww2veteran, #enigma