Ju mer du delar med dig ju bättre blir du
Kalle Arnelund- Vad är Tylösandsdagarna?
Olivier Carcuac-Parodontolog, PhD. Dubai
- Biotyp- Fenotyp
- Skillnad tand-implantat
- Tunnare mjukvävnad större fysiologisk benremodellering.
- Mjukvävnadsaugmentation –
- När i behandlingsprocessen?
- Hur gör man?
- Långtidsprognos?
- Direktbelastning-
- Indikationer- kriterier
- Hygieninstruktioner efter operation.
Johan Mårtensson, tandläkare i Stockholm, konferensdeltagare
Nikos Mattheos Periodontologist, Clinical Associate Professor of Implant Dentistry and Associate Dean of Postgraduate Education at The University of Hong Kong
- Periodontist with prosthodontic training
- Implantologist?
- The importance of planning
- Implant research
- Implant dentistry On line education together with Dr Martin Janda. www.Matteos.net
- PROM-patient related outcome measures
- Patient and dentist satisfaction
- Under-promise and over-deliver
Bjarni Pjetursen- Prosthodontist, Professor at the University of Geneva, Head of Department of Reconstructive Dentistry and the Odontological faculty at the University of Iceland.
- Ikon In prosthodontic research
- Performing evidence based treatment planning
- What does the patient want? “What brings you to my office today?”
- Begin with the end in mind
- Internal vs external connections
- Cemented or screwretained reconstructions
- Full ceramic resinbonded bridges