Happy Maybe Day everyone! Doctor Richard Waterloo joins me to talk about Reality Tunnels. He is working on a book and has recently published a paper on Maybe Day's website available on page 50 : http://www.maybeday.net/ -- follow Rich on Twitter https://twitter.com/DoctorWaterloo -- and let's celebrate a day with the number 23 for Robert Anton Wilson. If you don't know who Robert Anton Wilson is, that is ok! He made some great discoveries and furthered progress on many ideas from other great thinkers. He was truly a curious and adventurous man and one of my biggest heroes - Also one of Rich's. If you're not familiar with one of the best books ever written - PROMETHEUS RISING is a book by Robert Anton Wilson in which he shares a model of consciousness which begins with the idea that "What the Thinker Thinks, The Prover Proves". He wrote many other books as well and proposed the idea of "Reality Tunnels". Rich talks about this concept in depth and he's work as he's done a great job at explaining how they are formed which he will be detailing in his upcoming book. This was a fascinating discussion and I enjoyed ever minute of it. Thanks for listening and thanks for being a subscriber!
If you want to support the show you can at https://www.patreon.com/bootsygreenwood - I will be taking a short hiatus but I'll be back hard.
Thanks so much for watching this video! I recently put together a Free Course that is specifically designed to guide you to your One True Goal. You can access it here for free: https://tinyurl.com/yey398hb
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Book a 30 minute 1 on 1 session with me here: https://tinyurl.com/jprudwxc
If you're interested in learning more about Reality Transurfing, download my Summary and Interpretation Ebook or Audiobook here: https://bootsygreenwood.com/store
It's my honor to share this information with you - I also have some courses and comedy clips available on my patreon page:
Join our skool group here: https://www.skool.com/blue-collar-mystics-5366/about
Interested in a 1 on 1 Coaching Call? Book a One Hour 1 on 1 Session with me here: https://tinyurl.com/32apescm
Book a 30 minute 1 on 1 session with me here: https://tinyurl.com/jprudwxc
If you're interested in learning more about Reality Transurfing, download my Summary and Interpretation Ebook or Audiobook here: https://bootsygreenwood.com/store
Find all my offerings on my homepage at: https://bootsygreenwood.com
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