Blues with a Feeling – The Official Podcast
"nobody has released more consistently excellent blues albums than Atlanta's Tinsley Ellis. He sings like a man possessed and wields a mean lead guitar." Billboard
Diving back into 1994 again this week, as part of my ongoing celebration of the programs 30 years on air, to feature Tinsley Ellis Alligator Records classic “Storm Warning”
Plus new releases from Shemekia Copeland , Southern Avenue, Duke Robillard, Ronnie Baker Brooks, Tab Benoit, Greg Nagy, Vaneese Thomas and Zac Harmon.
#blueswithafeelingpodcast #shakeyshaun_ #bluespoecast #shemekiacopeland #southernavenue #dukerobillard #ronniebakerbrooks, #tabbenoit #gregnagy #vaneesethomas #zacharmon
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