Blues with a Feeling – The Official Podcast
“I’m real proud of it… This is the album where I finally found my ‘voice’ thanks to my dear friend Greg Leisz, who produced and played on the album while guiding me to some of the best performances I had done to that point in my career.”
- Dave Alvin
I’m featuring Davin Alvins 1994 Hightone Records classic King Of California this week,
Plus new releases from Ruthie Foster, Shemekia Copeland, Eric Bibb, Duke Robillard, Eddie 9V, Vanessa Carpenter and Jimmy Carpenter.
#blueswithafeelingpodcast #bluespodcast #shakeyshaun_ #davealvin #shemekiacopeland #ruthiefoster #vanessacollier #dukerobillard #ericbibb #eddie9v #jimmycarpenter
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