You only get one chance to play a game for the first time, but sometimes events conspire to make that debut ... less than ideal. We look at some first plays that could've gone better, examine what contributed to them not delivering, and offer advice on how to make sure your brand new game doesn't stumble out the gate. 02:34 - Rumble Nation 10:16 - Neuroshima Hex 12:07 - Macao 14:05 - In the Year of the Dragon 21:24 - It's a Wonderful World 23:46 - Carnival of Monsters 25:51 - 7 Wonders 26:12 - Terraforming Mars 30:28 - Better First Plays 31:00 - Brass: Birmingham 35:18 - Dominion 37:01 - Race for the Galaxy 38:21 - Empyreal: Spells & Steam 42:53 - Endeavor 46:31 - Dixit 49:12 - Awkward Guests Join the discussion at: