Sometimes a game has a conceit so good, that it's the only description you need to sell someone on it. Let's call it the hook. Do all games have them, or is it something that only a certain subcategory of game can get away with - and why don't they all just print that on the box cover? Before we get the hook, we talk about Havalandi, Courtisans, 12 Chip Trick, and Dune Imperium: Uprising.
02:55 - Havalandi 11:25 - Courtisans 18:59 - 12 Chip Trick 26:10 - Dune: Imperium - Uprising 41:09 - Games with a hook 41:34 - Of What's Left 45:05 - Everdell 47:09 - QE 47:28 - 12 Chip Trick 48:09 - A Feast for Odin 52:25 - Skull
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