And back to Mark! It's the soggy middle of his top 50, or as he insists on calling it, his numbers 30 through 11. That is twenty more delicious games, and he's here to tell you all about them while we continue to berate and praise him for his choices. 01:20 - #30 - Anomia 05:12 - #29 - Sidereal Confluence 08:47 - #28 - Chicago Express 11:46 - #27 - Rise & Fall 16:34 - #26 - Tigris & Euphrates 19:14 - #25 - Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory 22:29 - #24 - Blue Lagoon 25:37 - #23 - Lancaster 28:07 - #22 - El Grande 30:57 - #21 - Modern Art 33:54 - #20 - Pictomania 36:58 - #19 - Ark Nova 40:19 - #18 - Stationfall 41:59 - #17 - Stephenson’s Rocket 43:36 - #16 - Cascadero 45:19 - #15 - Ra 48:45 - #14 - Bus 50:49 - #13 - Tramways 52:40 - #12 - Mr. President: The American Presidency, 2001-2020 57:05 - #11 - Caylus 1303
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