Everyone likes to get the most out of their hard-earned cash, but what is a board game worth? Maybe it doesn't matter what's inside the box, maybe the real value is the friends we made along the way? Haha, just kidding, it's totally all about the miniature total. Before we count components, we also talk about Aerion, Overbooked, Dinosaur Island, and Lancaster. 03:15 - Aerion 05:40 - Overbooked 11:36 - Dinosaur Island 25:08 - Lancaster 34:37 - Value for money 36:50 - A Feast for Odin 38:16 - Scythe 41:09 - Escape Plan 41:36 - Gloomhaven 41:54 - Mechs vs. Minions 42:55 - Terraforming Mars