In Episode 88 we discuss our top 3 controversial mechanisms in board games. These are mechanisms that seem to be well loved, sometimes even by our co-hosts, or heavily used but we don't like them at all. We share some specific games that use those mechanisms and talk about why they don't (or sometimes do) work for us.
00:00 Introduction
02:50 Poll: Controversial Mechanisms
08:26 #3 Tim - Negotiation (Chinatown, Catan, Inis, Eclipse: 2nd Dawn for the Galaxy)
15:03 #3 Chris - Trick Taking (Brian Boru, Libertalia, Shamans, Spades, Hearts, The Crew, Oh Hell)
23:35 #3 Adam - Deck Milling (Terraforming Mars, Ark Nova, Everdell, Wingspan)
30:08 #2 Tim - Set Collection (Ethnos, Ticket to Ride, Wayfarers of the South Tigris, Champions of Midgard, 7 Wonders, Ra, Sushi Go)
37:12 #2 Chris - Pickup and Deliver (Merchants of the Dark Road, My Little Scythe, Clank!, Now or Never, Wasteland Delivery Service)
42:20 #2 Adam - Lose if you spend the most (Q.E., High Society)
44:35 #1 Tim - Player Determined Endgame (Ark Nova, Terraforming Mars, Scythe, Dune: Imperium, Anachrony, Beyond the Sun)
53:15 #1 Chris - Social Deduction / Hidden Traitor (One Night Ultimate Werewolf, Shamans, Battlestar Galactica, Love Letter, Coup)
1:01:38 #1 Adam - Dice Placement / Dice Mitigation (Wayfarers of the South Tigris, Euphoria, Castles of Burgundy)
1:05:49 Listener Shoutout