This week Anthony, Chris, Daniel, and Drew talk about recent news from and after GenCon, along with one of the hottest games of the summer - Imperial Settlers. We also discuss Friday the 13th from Reiner Knizia, Endeavor, and a classic we were excited to finally get to the table - Power Grid.
02:16 - Shout it from the Tabletop
10:36 - Kicking the Habit
11:17 - Acquisition Disorder Corner
19:27 - At the Table: Friday the 13th
24:38 - At the Table: Endeavor
28:26 - At the Table Classic: Power Grid
34:36 - Feature Review: Imperial Settlers
And don't forget to share your questions with the BGA crew on, the Board Gamer's Anonymous Guild on BGG, and on Facebook and Twitter (@BGAPodcast).