Chris and Anthony are back this week to discuss the top 100 board games. We get asked a lot which of these we've played and which we haven't, and whether we'd recommend one particular hot game or another. So, we figured, why not do them all!
To kick things off, we ask everyone our question of the week, "What game has been sitting on your shelf unplayed the longest?" We got dozens of responses - apparently a lot of games are going unplayed out there!
Next up, we dove into our acquisition disorders for the week. Anthony looked at Detective: City of Angels, and Chris looked at Small World: Sky Islands - another round of new content for the classic Days of Wonder game.
At the table this week, ANThony reviews BrilliAnts, a game he's been filled with ANTicipation about for weeks. Chris discusses Fog of Love and The Terrifying Girl Disorder, both unique themes with clever takes on mechanics you may know from others in the genre.
Finally, we dig into the first five of the top 100 and let you know what we think - buy, play, dodge, or burn (hint, none of them are burned!).
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