Chris and Anthony share their top ten 3 player games this week, diving into the board games that play best (or only) with three players.
First up, though, we dive into the question of the week, asking everyone out there (including you!), with TI4 released and Eclipse 2E coming next year, what other massive game do you think is due for a major design refresh?
Then we dive into this week's acquisition disorders, including Anthony's first pass at the new Imperial Assault: Legends of the Alliance app, and Chris's interest in the newest Cathala game coming next year, Imaginarium.
At the table this week, Anthony played This Belongs in a Museum, and Chris got a chance to try the greatest hits mashup of euro mechanics, Clans of Caledonia.
Finally, we dive into our top 10 three player games, sharing the games that we feel are the best fit for your game nights if you only have three people at the table.
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