This week Anthony, Chris, Dan and Kim talk about the brand new game from Plaid Hat - Bioshock Infinite: Siege of Columbia. Chris shares his favorite play from the table this week - Dominare - and Kim and Dan review the newest expansion for Ascension, The Darkness Unleashed. Along with a long list of games to hit our carts (and wallets) we also have the first preliminary list of games being featured at Extra Life on November 2nd.
01:05 - The Hotness News
13:36 - Acquisition Disorder Corner
17:02 - At the Table: Ascension - The Darkness Unleashed
21:25 - At the Table: Dominare
29:09 - Feature Review: Bioshock Infinite: Siege of Columbia
Contact us with your questions, requests and more at questions@boardgamersanonymous, on or on Facebook or Twitter (@bgapodcast).