167 avsnitt • Längd: 10 min • Månadsvis
A daily podcast for the youth of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The goal of this podcast is to help children and young adults grow closer to the Savior through a daily study of the Book of Mormon. The podcast contains interviews with youth throughout the world as well as ”True Tales from the Book of Mormon” – Stories told in a fun and easy-to-understand way.
The podcast Book of Mormon for YOUth is created by Shelby and Melanie Stroud. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Brynlee (hs senior) talks about how her love for the Book of Mormon has changed and grown over the years.
Isabelle (5) wants us to obey our parents so no angels have to come give us a lecture - and she sings Book of Mormon Stories - so cute!
Walter (12) has been to 42 temples!! In PART ONE, he tells about his journey to all the different temples. He's so much fun!
PART TWO of the interview with Walter. If you know a temple worker - this would be a great episode for them!
Eavesdropping, tattle-telling, secret clubs and MURDER. Don't become dog food.
Another kid loves Jacob 5! Must be a chosen generation! Fay (8) talks about second chances, getting help from the Lord and how to nourish a vineyard (gross!).
Sarah Grace (9) knows all about Lehi's Dream AND the interpretation thereof! She also has a good idea for an alternative punishment for kids who make a small bad choice.
In a world where evil abounds, a true friendship emerges against all odds. Listen as this team of heroes finds their super powers including: Mind reading, super strength, and un-tie-up-ability.
The most amazing boy on planet Earth (it's a fact - look it up) Beckham (9!) teaches us about icebergs, the signs of Christ's death in the Americas and faith vs. fear.
Gilded Helmet (10) and Hannah (13) tell the story of Booboo the sheep and why we should take upon ourselves the name of Christ
Braedi (18) needed a miracle and through the Book of Mormon, the Lord assures her it is on the way! (Special treat at the end)
Mosiah (almost 13) loves service and loves Mosiah 2:17
In front of a slo-mo explosion, five heroes walk in a line: Captain Moroni, Pahoran, Lehi, Teancum and Helaman. Basically the Avengers of the Book of Mormon, this was their final battle.
Naabaahii (11) lives up to his warrior name! He's ready to do battle out in the world and to choose good friends to help him along the way.
Meiken (5) teaches about Nephi breaking his bow and how sometimes people (and dogs) get mad because they are hungry.
Tonah (9) has a mom who has taught him the gospel just like the two thousand stripling warriors. And she makes great food!
Shelby tries out a Come Follow Me snippet designed for youth. In this one, she talks about agency and not getting thrown in the freezer of a greasy diner.
Lolli (3!) is the youngest kid yet to tell us a story! She loves King Benjamin and spontaneously sings at the end. Don't miss it.
Malan (7 - but you won't believe it) will blow your mind with her knowledge AND application of the gospel. If more kids were like Malan, nobody would worry about the future! 10/10 stars - would interview again!
Deception, abduction, dancing, near-death experiences and compassion for the dismembered.
Olivia (7) teaches about how - like Nephi - she can do hard things by asking for help and believing she can do it!
Macie (10) loves to read Harry Potter AND The Book of Mormon. She will ASTONISH you with how much she knows - and how much she giggles! She's so much fun.
Jane (9) teaches about Alma the Younger and the angel and about how we can control what is in the movie of our life by repenting.
Abe (11) Is another All-Star! He knows all about patience and forgiveness and he'll still love you even if you're mean!
Andrew (4!) tells about Ammon chopping off all those arms!
To go along with the Come Follow Me for the week of June 1-7, Shelb tells her Lion King analogy.
Little Callum (4) tells all about the twee of wife!
Nina (18) talks about personal revelation and the power the Book of Mormon has to bring us home.
Jared asks his brother and his brother asks the Lord. Boxes of bees, confounded languages and the best navigation system in the history of ever.
Abby (7) and James (5) are preparing for their future mission in Japan by being able to teach from the Book of Mormon. Their story is about Samuel the Lamanite!
Little Lucy (6) loves camping and marshmallows and knows all about Helaman and his 2,000 sons.
Why don't we feel like praying sometimes? Why do bad things happen to good people? What does it mean to be born again? What can we sacrifice in our lives in order to give the Lord another opportunity to bless us? Six youth ages 8 - 16 have some great ideas.
The conclusion of the Q&A with Reese, Mason, Wyatt, Beckham, Ryder and Preslie.
Jarem (12) talks about baptism and other ordinances and how they are like Pokemon. He also describes his LEGENDARY brother!
The Lord teaches the Brother of Jared three different ways he likes to answer prayers so they can prepare for their journey to the promised land.
Kayleigh tells the amazing story of a woman who gave up everything to be baptized in Cambodia.
Shelb tells the parable of the pearl necklace and tries to liken it to us.
DO NOT MISS THIS ONE IF YOU HAVE PROBLEMS WITH ANXIETY! Adelle (11) talks about having anxiety issues and by the end of the conversation (spoiler) she has decided she is GRATEFUL!
Preslie (13) and Reese (13) take on the TRUE TALES by telling the story of the Zoramites and the Rameumptom. (*Shelby puts in her thoughts at the end)
What? 100?! Crazy! Go back through highlights of so many of the episodes in this giant 100 montage!
Macie (6) knows the story of Abinadi without any coaching from the audience! She's so smart. Try not to die from the cuteness of her giggle.
Declan (8) is both knowledgable and a tease! He teaches all about the tree of life while torturing poor Shelb.
Kennedy (10) shows us the many Liahonas we have in our lives with great insight and adorablocity.
Nephi and is brothers have some zany adventures while trying to procure the plates of brass from Laban.
Avery (10) now knows that a perfect gift would be a big bag of bloody arms! She teaches us that by serving we show love.
Claire (7) cannot keep a fish alive but she knows all about Enos!
Macey (13) likens the pandemic to being on the Jaredite barges. Brilliant!
Cameron (12) knows all about Korihor and teaches how we can practice listening to the Spirit so we don't get a peach pit heart.
Over 100 episodes ago, Colby (14 at the time) killed us with his enthusiasm for Captain Moroni. It fits in with this week's Come Follow Me, so share it with your family!
Calvin (10) has finished the Book of Mormon and he now knows knows knows knows it's true! He gives strategies and ideas for others to use as they try to do the same.
Carter (10) learned about Heavenly Father's love and the gift of repentance from Alma the Younger. Even though he's a Cubs Fan, he is still relevant and smart.
HAPPY SHARK WEEK!!!!!!!! Instead of not doing any episodes this week because of the holiday, SHelby has decided to do short, shark-inspired musings. Today, she's got Whale Sharks on the brain - which is a lovely thing.
Great white sharks can do more than scare us out of our pants! They can teach us life lessons.
Great white sharks can do more than scare us out of our pants! They can teach us life lessons.
Ryn (19) shares an amazing but obscure story from the Book of Mormon that leads Shelb to realize that she doesn't have to be scared of sharks because she's grateful for butterflies! (It actually makes sense...)
Aaron (9) teaches about King Limhi and likens Legos to our lives!
Three people die in this episode and Sherem gets told what's what!
Karli (18) was scared and worried and found peace and comfort in Mosiah. Chop! Chop!
Eliana (18) loves Mosiah 2:41 and you will, too!
Croft (5) is back!! And things get weirder and weirder as he describes Nephi's journey across the sea (which gets madder and madder!) He is the biggest crack-up and so enthusiastic. Learn about hearing Heavenly Father and his wedding plans for next year.
Collin has only to do a podcast with Shelb to complete his quest for her daughter's hand in marriage. Learn about patience and prayers.
Kimball (6) wants to be like Nephi by being brave and making things like boats and crafts.
Hellloooo Sports Fans! It's Kingdom Keepaway with Shelb as your sportscaster.
Death, destruction, slippery swords and clouds that look like dead bodies.
Joshua (13) zeros in on an aspect of the story of Ammon that we've never explored! He is brilliant and good. You will not believe he's 13.
Miranda (9) likes that Nephi got to shock his brothers but doesn't want that power for herself. She teaches about the difference between the boat the Lord can help us build and the raft we make on our own.
Paige (11) shares her ideas about Lehi's Dream and how to cling to the Iron Rod.
Alice (7) will teach you how to make a bow of your very own. All you need is a branch, a stick and some grass for the string!
Spencer & Lucas (17) decided they wanted to teach their families about faith and Helaman 5:12. Broken into two parts because it's two people, doy.
Part 2 of the interview with Spencer & Lucas (both 17). They talk about the confidence you can get from building a strong foundation and the best parts of being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Aubree (14) contacted Shelby with "and if you want to know what happened next - email me back!" CLICK BAIT! Find out what happened for yourself!
The answers these teens receive from Heavenly Father will SHOCK YOU!
The Anti-Nephi-Lehies have some tough decisions to make about burying their weapons of war and whether or not one-arm jokes are in good taste.
Jenna (16) had a tough life choice to make and was inspired by Nephi's attitude to help her along.
Dossan (15) is incredible. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE! Elder Bednar asked Dossan's family to pray to know if packing up and moving to Missouri was the right thing to do and he took it right to the Lord. He found his answer in the Book of Mormon and immediately obeyed.
Mason (16) learns that the Lord works in mysterious ways. Sometimes your answer is fire and sometimes is an unexpected late night text.
Malan (8!) finished the Book of Mormon the week she turned EIGHT. And - she understood what she read. She's unbelievable! (Check out her first episode - Episode 79)
Due to an evacuation order because of Hurricane Delta - this is a rerun of Episode 38 You Dumb Baby. It's still true.
It's debate season and Korihor is up against Alma. Gagogg moderates as they debate the existence of God.
Saydi (15) was low and suffering during the Covid 19 crisis. Turning to the scriptures brought her a personal answer and peace.
Illiyanna (10) loves the story of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. She knows that good thingscome to those who wait! She's so smart and funny - Shelby laughed the entire time.
This is a replay of episode 32 MineCroft because it's his birthday and it's a favorite!
Josiah (Kellogg) served a mission in Shelb's ward and has since been an answer to her son's worry (episode 134). He has an amazing story of going from foster homes to being sealed to his forever family.
Love Flower (Aila) and Kaigara hachi (Shell-Bee) talk about the Jaredites and how the Lord gives us trials to push us toward eternal life.
Olivia (8) is getting baptized soon! She has a beautiful white dress and no pepper in her sugar!
Porter (13) was blessed to get a surge of the Spirit with 400 of his closest friends right before quarantine.
Shelb reads a story with a terrible accent to teach about being truly sorry and the miracle of grace. Complements Come Follow Me Oct 26 - Nov 1: Mormon 1-6.
Bridgett (10) loves horses and living in Tennessee! She knows all about the Tree of Life.
"Sometimes the details are big things!"
Abram (14) likes the Nephi that's not the first Nephi in first Nephi but the second Nephi - not in Second Nephi - but Third Nephi but not that Nephi's son Nephi in Third Nephi.
Shelb tells the tale of Samuel the Lamanite and his adventures on the wall of Zarahemla.
Brinley (8) was just entered the gate we call baptism. Now what?
Shelby's daughter is getting married this week so it's super fun rerun week! Enjoy!
Bringing back this TRUE TALES to go along with Come Follow Me.
The exciting conclusion to the TRUE TALE of the Brother of Jared!
Replaying this TRUE TALES as a bonus episode to go with Come Follow Me this week. Hellloooo Sports Fans! It's Kingdom Keepaway with Shelb as your sportscaster.
Re-released for Come Follow Me.
Death, destruction, slippery swords and clouds that look like dead bodies.
Julianna (10) and Ashlin (6) talk about having a baby brother in heaven.
Henry (9!) is a genius and he has some incredible insights into the story of Alma and Amulek. This is the first half of his interview.
Henry (9) finishes his analysis of Alma and Amulek in prison.
Don't forget to remember! (with a montage of kids' gratitude)
James (5) is brave like the stripling warriors.
Lonely, he is so lonely. He has nobody... Poor Moroni.
Jackson (10): "I should be like Moroni and try to do stuff for Jesus!"
Josiah (9) is a singer in a video called "Away in a Manger" that his family produced. It was picked up by the Light the World campaign as a special musical. Josiah also talks about the defeat of the Nephites at the end of the Book of Mormon.
Cora (6) (now 7!) loves to read the Book of Mormon with her family and can't wait to be baptized in a year!
Christmas time is a great time to talk about angels!
Eden is getting baptized just like the people Alma taught. She knows the 10 Commandments and so much more.
Sienna discovered the key to fighting the Coronavirus blues and maybe even how we can be delivered from this whole pandemic!! (clickbait)
Megan (14) discusses the generosity of the nation as they supported her family after her father was killed in Afghanistan and how keeping her eye focused on the kingdom of God and forwarding that same love to others has helped her to grow.
This one has it all! Evil vs. Evil, wicked plots, intrigue, and murder.
Madi (11) shares great ideas to help us serve. One way she serves is to happily re-record parts of her interview when SOMEBODY was a technological failure.
Olivia tells of a scary accident from her past and the struggle to get over the guilt she has felt.
Adilene (7) talks about Abinadi and wicked King Noah. Also, She's really, really, really, really good at art.
After keeping her faith a secret her whole life, Abish is finally able to run tell the whole town, "Come and see!"
Ryker (10 - almost 11) talks about how reading 3 Nephi with his grandma helped him get through the April 10 fast.
Mckenzie (7) sang a song on the Worldwide Fast April 10 page on facebook and it was so cute that she had to be found! She's brilliant and adorable and has a whole new take on Nephi coming to the promised land.
The not-unfortunate-looking Donovan (15) talks about being in the service of his fellow beings and God in Houston, Texas after Hurricane Harvey.
We found an interview Melanie did before that didn't get published and I think it's because it needed to come out now! Grace (8) shares an experience where a scripture in Ether helped her with her anxiety.
Just in time for Easter, Sonny (7) teaches us about the resurrection. And Nephi building a boat. And some wacky Easter traditions involving scorpions.
Shelby tells the action-packed story of Helaman's sons Nephi and Lehi.
Bryce and Theron give us their takes on the April 2020 General Conference including receiving personal revelation and the big Fast on Friday.
Part two of Jaxon and the priesthood - specifically the ministering of angels. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland stated: “I believe we need to speak of and believe in and bear testimony to the ministry of angels more than we sometimes do. They constitute one of God’s great methods of witnessing through the veil”
Wow. Jaxon (16) has it all together. He shares what his life would be life without the restoration of God's Priesthood and what it does for him. Part Two is the role of the Aaronic Priesthood and the ministering of angels.
Gavin (6) and Ezra (4) pray about the Book of Mormon and also tell about how "they had to fight the bad guys, Shelb!"
Sophie (11) teaches us where to find peace (when they reopen) and about her favorite ancestors - the Cave-Brown-Caves.
Little Aussie Ava teaches us how the church has indeed covered the earth and even more about fasting and building on the Rock of our Redeemer. Her thoughts on faith coming down as rain will stay with me forever. So beautiful!
"If you have a good attitude, it will be an adventure. If you have a bad attitude, it will just be depressing!" Camden (11) is moving and he's decided to follow Nephi's good example! Yup!
Makenzie and Emma - Amazing 14 year old twins from California tell their tale of conversion and the importance of primary choristers.
The Zoom meeting was still recording after my interview with Cora and captured this little gem. Enjoy!
Cora talks about Enos, cats, prayer, cats and repentance. She also may or may not become betrothed during this episode.
Shelby gives her take on Omni and why we don't give up on dumb babies. Find out how you can be clean and worthy every second of every day so that you can do amazing things! This one is a little deeper but got the thumbs up from her kids.
Autumn (9) reflects on her baptism and how she can be clean all the time because of the Sacrament.
In this episode, Tommy talks about the restoration with Shelby.
What the world needs now is a little more Colby! He's so positive and excited... it's contagious... in a good way.
In this episode, we hear a little bit about the miracle trip to the Church History sites and why it helped strengthen Mason's testimony.
In this episode, Preslie describes how wet knees led to more than just finding the cat.
5 Year old Croft teaches us why we should give our parents another chance.
More answers found in the long and mysterious Jacob 5!
In this episode, Savannah teaches us that spiritual confidence is power. Why not invite people? What do you have to lose?
Yea!! In this episode, Shelby lets us all know about her shark obsession, her love of animals of all sorts (she left out the ducks) and her Pahoran addiction. Be excited... especially for the Twilight giggle at the end.
In this episode, Elder Downs talks about how cool it was that Mormon felt he could recommend his son Moroni to God.
In this episode, Courtney finds comfort in the Book of Mormon when all her plans seemed to fall apart. And it ended up being so much better than she had originally planned!
In this episode, Levi talks about Nephi being tied up on the ship by his brothers. He talks about Nephi's good attitude and how we can remember that Heavenly Father is always watching out for us!
In the terribly impressive episode, Melanie lets you in on her favorite moment with Abinadai.
In this episode, Lily was impressed that the first thing that Lehi and his family did after leaving all of their stuff and moving out into the wilderness was to give thanks. What an important lesson!
In this episode, I talk to Joshua about when he discovered that the scriptures were so much more than just some stories in a book.
In this episode, Mia talks about the challenges of living with Laman and Lemuel and how that applies to the relationships we have with our families.
In this episode, Melanie shares the amazing truth she found in Alma 18 this morning!
In this episode, Sariah talks about when school got hard and friends were mean how a scripture in Alma really helped her not feel alone.
In this episode Kallie talks about Nephi's great attitude, receiving answers to her prayers, and looking for God's winks in her life.
In this episode, Carson talks about the power that God gave Nephi to shock his brothers and how cool it was that Nephi was able to build a boat with the Lord's help.
In this episode, Brooke talks about how Nephi always had a pretty good attitude when it came to his crummy brothers. She also talks about looking forward to the remarkable General Conference coming up.
In this episode, Daisy shares an experience when she was able to share some truths about the gospel with her friends. It wasn't nearly as scary as she thought.
In this episode, Olivia talks about Ammon and some new reasons why she thinks he was cool. She also talks a little about Nephi's parents and her own super cool parents.
In this episode, I read the story of Nephi being commanded to build a boat the way I used to read the scriptures to my kids when they were little. Just a fun little change up for today!
This is the FULL interview with Reed from Kansas.
In this episode, Reed G. talks about an experience when he was reading the scriptures and felt the words were talking right to him. And then what did he do? ..... You'll have to listen to find out!
In this episode, Reese shares 2 Nephi 2:13 about opposition in all things and shares her love for the temple.
Mason continues to talk about standing as a witness and being a missionary.
In this Episode, Mason talks about Mosiah 18:9 and what he has learned from that scripture and then BUSTS OUT the whole new theme for the Young Men! Whoa!
In this episode, Preslie talks about the benefits of keeping the commandments and explains how you can pray to want to read your scriptures or pray to want to keep the commandments, etc. So great!
In this episode, Reed recounts his experience of turning to the Book of Mormon in a time of stress. Listen as he shares the powerful answer he received in Jacob 5. Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can comfort our kids when they turn to the scriptures in times of need!
Come take a listen to the most enthusiastic kid on earth talk about why he loves Captain Moroni and how it's so amazing that we can be just like him.
Nolan talks about his experience with finishing the Book of Mormon and asking God if it was true. His powerful testimony can't be missed!
14-year-old Ryder talks about Helaman 5:12 and the importance of building a strong foundation. He then talks a little about how his family has been implementing Come Follow Me each week and how it has been helping him build a stronger foundation.
In this episode, I talk to 8-year-old Richard about his favorite scripture, Helaman 5:12. He makes sense of building your house on a rock and talks about how he's reading the Book of Mormon every day and even learning Japanese to prepare for his future mission.
In this episode, 8-year-old Beckham tells of a time when he felt he didn't believe God and how turning to the scriptures helped him to feel God's love and know that God is real.
Renee lets us in on some secrets about goodly parents and how to deal with crummy days by following Nephi's example.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.