Maddy Vian (our amazing illustrator and designer):
Hollie Arnett (our original logo designer):
THE HOT SPOTS BOOK TAG! (Use the hashtag #hotspotsbooktag and tag @Books Unbound so we can see your answers!)
1. Book to read by a swimming pool
2. Book to read in the desert
3. Book to read while camping
4. Book to read in a restaurant kitchen
5. Book to read on a tropical beach
6. Book to read on Venus
7. Book to read at a hot spring in Japan
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00:00 - Rebrand!
04:53 - Schedule Change!
06:38 - Bookstore Adventure!
09:31 - Truth telling
13:31 - Understanding Jon Favreau
14:34 - Taste
16:17 - Ariel Hurt Her Foot
21:00 - Days at the Morisaki Bookshop
30:04 - A Rae Hot Take!
32:28 - TBR Challenge Update!
34:24 - More Like Read-Leen
36:55 - Boy Parts
45:48 - Book Games!