Theaters closing again will hurt consumer confidence, so what are they doing to weather the storm?
We spoke with Byron Berkley, the president & treasurer of the Independent Cinema Alliance (ICA) and an independent exhibitor himself. The expectation was for small exhibitors to run on repertory content until big studios put down new releases, but the coronavirus has turned weeks of anticipation to months of struggle.
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What to Listen For
- [00:00:51] Tenet release date is pushed back and removed from the release schedule
- [00:02:00] Independent Cinema Alliance and the independent theaters they represent and support in the country.
- [00:05:06] "We didn't anticipate the increase of virus infection that brought in changes and we've been bouncing back and forth between requirements and regulations." - Byron Berkley
- [00:06:34] It's easier for independent cinemas to remain open for a time, and close again if they need to.
- [00:07:45] Most indoor theaters have only sold a few tickets, since most anticipated films aren't being released.
- [00:09:30] It's not like in the US where independent cinemas have a large representation across the country.
- [00:10:38] Major circuits operations will survive, they are all highly leveraged financially.
- [00:12:15] What can studios do to help independent cinemas? There's only so much the studios can do to help.
- [00:13:08] Ways that the industry could change a few things in the coming months after cinemas open up to make it easier for independent cinemas to recover.
- [00:15:04] Independent cinemas complaint on studio policies: They don't always want to make all pictures available at all times.
- [00:15:27] The National Association of Theater Owners released a campaign called Save Your Cinema, which is asking moviegoers to help independent cinemas.
- [00:16:21] The entire industry wants to make sure that the re-opening effort is done as safely as possible.
- [00:17:28] Daniel: "There isn't a big independent presence in the places I lived in until North Carolina where my parents frequented the carousel theater."
- [00:18:38] The Manner Twin (acquired by Regal) in Charlotte
- [00:20:30] Independent cinemas are essential for people to find a love for film.
- [00:21:35] Cinemas are job generators and job creators for a lot of teenagers. It is a first time job for a lot of folks.