The rise of Kubernetes came about through a combination of forces that were in hindsight, quite a long shot. AWS’ dominance created momentum for cloud native application development and the need for simpler experiences beyond easily spinning up compute as a service. This wave crashed into innovations from a startup named Docker and a reluctant open source benefactor in Google that needed a way to change the game on Amazon in the cloud. Factor in Red Hat, which needed a path beyond Linux and was just about to opt for an alternative to Kubernetes to power OpenShift. Finally, figure out a governance structure to herd all the cats in the ecosystem so you can win out over other competition and create a de facto standard. Make all that happen and you get the remarkable ascendancy of Kubernetes.
Such was the story unveiled recently in a new two-part documentary series from Honeypot simply titled “Kubernetes.” In this Breaking Analysis we tap the back stories of this documentary, which explains the improbable events leading to the creation of Kubernetes. We’ll share commentary from early Kubernetes committers and key players who came on theCUBE to piece together how it all happened. Finally, we’ll present new survey data from ETR on containers.