Hello Friends! In this episode, I chat with Danielle Arostegui about her policy work for the Environmental Defense Fund, working at a Congressional thinktank to help pass the Inflation Reduction Act, and then deciding that writing climate fiction was where she wanted to take the fight next.
LINKS Ep. 4: From Scientist to Author, In Conversation with Danielle Arostegui
Solarpunk Drabble by Danielle Arostegui
Grist’s Climate Fiction Drabbles (100 word stories)
(transcript available on substack)https://grist.org/looking-forward/climate-fiction-drabbles-our-future-in-100-words/https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielle-arostegui/
Bright Green Futures is a weekly newsletter/podcast and lifts up stories about a more sustainable and just world and to talk about the struggle to get there. Check out the Featured Stories and Hopeful Climate Fiction lists for further reading. The best way to support the show is to subscribe and share the stories with your friends: BrightGreenFutures.wtf