Hello Friends! Today we’re going to dig into climate fiction’s place in the larger climate struggle and how understanding activism and movement building can help us to portray in fiction how change really works.
LINKS Ep. 7: Climate Fiction in the Larger Climate Movement
Sustainability Salon page, hosted by Maren Cooke
Sustainability Salon: Hope is a Plant You Can Care For or Kill (Aug 2023) (Susan Kaye Quinn, PDF, recording)
Sustainability Salon: Movement Building (Oct-Nov 2023) (Penn Garvin, recording)
Bill Moyer’s MAP (Movement Action Plan) (The Commons Library, video)
Doing Democracy by Bill Moyer
Bright Green Futures is a weekly newsletter/podcast and lifts up stories about a more sustainable and just world and to talk about the struggle to get there. Check out the Featured Stories and Hopeful Climate Fiction lists for further reading. The best way to support the show is to subscribe and share the stories with your friends: BrightGreenFutures.wtf