We're back for another season featuring the royals, rebels, and romantics of British History! Season Two will bring some new fun to the podcast. Here's what's ahead:
- September will be all about Elizabeth I.
- October will delve into the world of witches and other sorcery.
- November will give us a chance to remember, remember lots of rebels and rebellions.
- And December will be a time for festive and famous holiday celebrations!!
We'll also be launching a patron program soon, giving you an opportunity to play a larger role. Stay tuned!
To start us off, here are some questions we're considering about Elizabeth I.
- Why was she taken out of the line of succession and then put back in again?
- Why did Edward VI disinherit her instead of just passing over Mary and leaving the crown to Elizabeth?
- Why didn't Mary, who did not like Elizabeth, choose NOT to disinherit her?
- Why did Mary Queen of Scots claim the English throne?
- How did people feel about Elizabeth becoming Queen?
It's all Elizabeth, all month!
History shows us what's possible.