Broken By Concept is the number one League of Legends Solo Queue educational and MOTIVATIONAL podcast, brought to you by Coach Curtis and Nathan Mott. This League of Legends podcast explores mindset, best practices for climbing the ranked ladder, breaking down community narratives and discussion on the latest changes.
The podcast Broken By Concept: League of Legends Podcast is created by Coach Curtis and Nathan Mott. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
We discuss: Is paying for coaching worth it? Is wave control everything? And how do you bluff in League?
We analyze some viral solo queue stats and find a way to blame jungle again.
What Playing With Intensity Means - High Elo OTP’s and Builds - How Many Games Do You Need To Play To Improve?
We double down on jungle being the easiest role in the game (by far), break down the mindset of an Iron player and explore why jungle is emotionally taxing.
Alois joins us to break down top lane in 2025, covering 20+ champs as well as new season changes.
We follow up with Ludwig after his INSANE climb to Platinum.
What you need to know for your Season 2025 placement games.
Is learning jungle mandatory to climbing? Listen to find out.
This Christmas episode is a Nathan's Mailbag special. Thanks for a great 2024!
We break down every ADC champion in the game and dissect all ADC narratives.
We chat with xPetu about itemization, win probability and using AI data in Leauge.
Breaking down every change for League of Legends in 2025 (Season 15).
Changes coming at the Broken by Concept Podcast.
Popular Youtuber, Ludgwig has made a bet with Tyler1 to hit Platinum by the end of the year. The BBC detectives are on the case.
Faker's FIFTH Title - Do Solo Queue Team Comps Matter? - Long Term Players Not Being Able To Pick A Role
Solo Queue Pattern Of Behaviour - Balancing Being Adaptable vs. Being Disciplined - Faker vs. Chovy Clip Breakdown
Single Player Game Solo Queue Worldview - SMART Goals Being Overrated - Skool Post - Connor - Accepting Where I’m At & Mental Stack
Who Are The Smartest Gamers? - The Power Of Understanding Compositions - Should There Be More AD Mids? - Should You Smurf To Learn New Champs?
Split 3 Rank System Adjustment + Problems With Split 3 - Ludwig Solo Queue Failure + Critique With LS’s Feedback - Live Coaching Discussion
Aurora Discussion - Worlds 2024 META and the Jungler Problem - Reddit Post: “I hate how normal it has become to play ranked if you are not serious”
Should Content Creators Post BAD Games? - Why People LOVE Negative League Comments - Tips For Committing To A Champion
Is Having 3 Ranked Splits Too Much? - Why Are High Elo Players Not Afraid To Die? - Am I Too Insecure To Climb?
Is The Frequency Of Patches Healthy? + Split 3 Changes - Gapping Your Counterpart - Losing Rank After Getting Coached
What Actually Is The Mental Stack/Mental Bandwidth? - The High Elo vs. Low Elo Disconnect
Why are we seeing Nasus vs Garen mid lane? - Evolution of players Mid Game understanding - Understanding the 'NO FF" mentality
Reliving our 2018 OPL Split 1 Grand Final Series - Dire Wolves vs Chiefs
Understanding Dying in League of Legends and how to change your behaviour from Deaths.
Case study of the Platinum player who dropped to Bronze and is ready to quit.
The LEVER analogy for your ranked soloq journey - Client dropping from 200LP Master to Emerald 2 - League achievements on LinkedIn resume.
Coach Cupcake teaches us support and we announce the launch of our Support Academy.
What are our lessons over 12 years of playing ranked in League of Legends?
What is the GREY area? Why League of Legends is never BLACK or WHITE.
What does it mean to be behind? How do you play from a gold deficit?
What was it like learning Top Lane from scratch? Recapping our first SEVEN champions: Garen, Renekton, Urgot, Mordekaiser, Darius, Gwen, Sett.
What is the optimal amount of games in a single ranked session?
What are STAGE 4 Issues? - IRL problems, anchoring to your past achievements, toxic expectations and Fixed vs Growth Mindset.
Coach Curtis and Nathan Mott get into the details of what players in each rank look like. What do they struggle with? What are their common mistakes? What do they do well? What to expect climbing up each division.
The 200's era of this podcast is upon us. How will it be defined?
Getting ganked by the community for 3 hours...
Curtis’ smurfing in Emerald story - “Master is Trash” Reddit Post + Karasmai Twitter Response - G2 Caps commenting on age In League.
Return of Master Tier Duo - End of split game quality reduction - trolls & AFK’s - Riot dev team share Split 2 ranked changes.
Broken by Concept will expand to ALL 5 roles - New community platform (Skool), Garen Guide and more!
Responding and reviewing gameplay from a listener who has found success from DUOQ in Ranked.
Evergreen SoloQ Champions - The different Champion Archetypes and Categories - Factors to Considers when Building your Pool - Champion Pool Size - What is Champion Pool Cycling and how to use it.
When is it time for me to Switch roles? 4 Months Into Season And 400LP Down & wanting to play ever role.
Is Emerald The REAL Elo Hell? Coach Curtis and Nathan Mott explore this popular topic of discussion in the League of Legends community.
Is playing Duo Queue beneficial for learning the game? What are the challenges? The long and short term affects of Duo Queue - Communication in League of Legends
Learning models, what makes an expert, reviewing philosophy, how do other people climb without reviewing?
Where Does The Term ‘Tilt’ Come From? - The Mental Game of Poker by Jared Tendler - Understanding and Managing our 'Tilt' in League of Legends.
Understanding what a realistic improvement journey looks like by reviewing and analyzing our listener's (match history)
Comparing Yourself To Others Exploration, Accepting Level of Play, Getting Complacent After Wins
Skill Ceiling On Simple vs. Hard Champs - Flow State Deep Dive - What Is The Gym For League? - How To Fix ‘Non-Decision’ Mistakes
Guest Jonathan Brown - Helping leaders and teams survive and thrive in high pressure situations Performance & Stress Expert.
Blaming teammates, ignorance towards in-game decisions, believing in Losers Q, lack of respect for champion mastery and more with today's Case Study on the Instant Reporting Emerald player.
We were wrong about Itemization and Runes Importance - Toxic positivity - Fake communication
Discussing our first impressions of Season 14 League of Legends.
The 10 things YOU need to know for a successful ranked Season 14
Why LoL Design Encourages Toxicity. Discussing League’s Revised Ranking System (TrueSkill2).
What were the best episodes of Broken by Concept this year?
The Killer by David Fincher. What Makes A Mistake “End Of Review”? Unlocked vs. Locked Camera
Understanding Your Elo As A Range and Riot Balancing For Low Elo vs. High Elo
What does "Getting into the details" mean, The KDA Player (Client Archetype), Girls playing support role.
Faker wins his FOURTH World Championship. Big changes to the summoners rift map in 2024.
Agurin Quitting SoloQ Climb - Mini Games Within League - Micro & Mechanical Problems In League + How To Fix Them
Old OG Gamer Dad Who Now Sucks - Offmeta Picks and Creativity - From ZERO to D4 Success Story
Nathan Loses 200 LP in 48 hours. What happens now?
What are the Positives and Downsides of Live/Backseat Gaming Coaching
Breaking down one of the worst SoloQ takes we've seen yet by theScore esports
Reacting To Our Last Episodes Comment “Feeling Hopeless”, Patch 13.20 Observations, Should You Be Full Muting? Self Muting Danger
Should playing and improving in ranked/soloq be a lonely experience?
What 10 Years to get Challenger looks like - “Why Does It Feel Like I Have To Play Perfectly To Win?”, Main Quest vs. Side Quest Learning Objectives
Our Experiences Breaking Through Plateaus + Mindset Switch - David Goggins - The Science Behind Playing With Music
Reacting to League TikToks
Misconceptions About Losing Progress (RANK WISE), Curtis Changing His Opinion About Importance Of META In Master+, LCS Owners Discussing League in High Schools
Riot reveal changes coming to the 2024 Ranked Season.
Revisiting the XFSN Saber quitting League video
Analyzing XFSN Saber Quitting League
What Actually Is Confidence In League? + Developing Confidence - Anticipation vs. Expectation - Champion Mastery Misconceptions
Curtis’ Trip To China Findings, Breaking Down The Accounts Of Streamers In Korea and Champion Pool Size Discussion
Losing Confidence because my opponents suck? Are My Friends are hurting my climb? Increasing your Mental Stack Capacity?
What Defines A Successful Season? Looking Back On Our Split 1 - Reviewing The Best Zed In KR
Riot Phroxzon is the Lead Designer of the League Balance Team & Preseason (Summoner's Rift Team). We discuss Season 13 itemization, champion balance and overall game state.
Riot Dev Naafiri Champ Design Post - Is Lowering Deaths Even Important? - The Climb From Silver To Gold
Exploring Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with the NINE Thinking Abouts. How can they relate to our SoloQ journey?
We sit down with the legendary Shen player, xPetu to discuss everything from the mindset of a OTP to dealing with comparing yourself to others.
Breaking down the new changes to ranked - Framework For Gold to Master - Learning To Go Into WAR MODE
What does a 40,000 game hard stuck Gold 4 player look like? Coach Curtis and Nathan Mott match this players narratives with the gameplay.
Behavioral System Update , Mom Hired A Full Time League Tutor, You Get Out Of SoloQ What You Put In
TheBaus SoloQ Guide, Bad Habits Due To Champion Mastery, How Do Korean + Chinese players Innovate So Well?
Cognitive Flexibility - What Is A SoloQ Troll? - Win Streaks Being As Equally Toxic As Loss Streaks
How to Improve and Review as a Top Laner - Mid game - Having more impact in your SoloQ games
The Solo Queue Anxiety Cycle
OTP’s Being Underutilized As A Resource, Understanding What Skill To Prioritize With Your Champion, Analyzing Ourselves After Tilting.
Chess vs League of Legends Improvement Process. Are there similarities and what are they? Climbing from 0-2000 Elo in 2 years.
What Is The Stage 1,2,3,4 Model (BBC PYRAMID)?
Hard Work Over Time vs. Short Term Work. Importance of keeping your head down. Fascinating Deep Dive On WHY Skirmishing Errors Occur
What are the official ranked distribution numbers? Why is our rank such an emotional aspect of League? How has the ladder been inflated over the years?
Client That Gave Up On Improving (Breakdown), How To Balance Limit Testing With Climbing In Solo Queue, Duo Partner Not Being Bought Into The Process
How To Be More Proactive + Is Proactivity Real? Punishing Enemy Mistakes Not Viewing Problems as having Solutions.
How do you improve your mid game? How To Review Mid Game Situations
Explaining why we are NOT good at talking about Game balance. Showing gameplay of the Quality of Mistakes in our daily Coaching Sessions.
The new LP Increase Changes coming - Diamond To Master Psychological Breakdown - Addressing How Easy It is For Coaches To Be Disconnected From Clients
One month into the Season, Curtis and Nathan start by giving an update on how their Solo Queue is progressing - Saltu OTP Olaf Mental Booming After Changing Champions - Failing to go Pro.
Can anyone get to Challenger? How Can People Prevent Falling Into A Toxic Mindset in SoloQ. Is It Possible To Get Diamond In 5 Months?
Discussing Curtis’ Beginner League Video. What makes League of Legends hard? BIG ANNOUNCEMENT about new Coaching Programs For Below Gold junglers and mid laners.
The ULTIMATE guide to climbing the League of Legends ranked ladder in Season 13.
Top Posts of the Summoner School Sub Reddit for 2022. Coach Curtis and Nathan Mott break them down the BBC way.
Why Do We Review Games? Breaking down how Neace reviews his games. The Problem Solving Mindset. Taking Responsibility.
Have Riot gone too far this time?
Trying less to win more.
How to use the preseason for maximum improvement and success in season 13.
Jumping to conclusions after a few days of preseason solo queue.
Hear Curtis, Nathan and the BBC community describe the ups and downs of season 12.
Oner reaches rank 1 NA with a 70% winrate, narratives creating blind spots & should coaches also be players.
Finding someone's genuine level of play, becoming the champion and Duo Q horror stories.
Submit Nathan's Mailbag Questions!!!
[email protected]
Tools to cut through negative emotions, vulnerability vs open mindedness & breaking down rift herald usage.
Breaking down all the changes in preseason 13.
Submit Nathan's Mailbag questions to [email protected]
Submit Nathan's Mailbag questions to: [email protected]
Take a deep dive into the mind of Nathan Mott.
Breaking down balancing painful experiences with self esteem and confidence.
3 coaches argue about the end of review process for over an hour, enjoy!
New Udyr, playing with conviction & creating order from chaos.
Learning to try to not try.
Riot Phreak teaches us a lesson on what to focus on when playing and reviewing league games.
Curtis' journey learning Ahri, the 4 things needed to become and expert, and the similarities between incels and toxic soloq players.
Interview with Riot Phroxzon!
What are your solo queue improvement mantras?
Jingle Jingle Song
Patrick and Niall share with us their EPIC solo queue journeys, sit back and enjoy.
The quality of a player is more so determined by their mistakes, than their plays - Curtis explains distinguishing between a gold and diamond Viktor player.
Reddit Reacts Episode 6
Nathans Maaaaaaaaaailbag.
It's the time of year where people are going through the motions of the league climb, losing intensity & losing sight of their goals.
Reddit Reacts - Episode 5
Nathan gets an email about a low elo tournament discord server with OVER 80,000 MEMBERS.
Broken By Concept goes to war with the League of Legends Community.
The episode that lead to DevilCurtis.
In this episode we discuss managing frustration while playing with high intensity, and talking the most optimal break from the game.
We discuss the DOMINATING your opponent mindset, and recovering from a slump
Reddit Reacts finally arrives in podcast form! Enjoy!
Questions about plateauing, a bad egg BBC listener and Curtis rants about inventing "Champion Identity".
In this episode we respond to Nemesis' findings when creating a new account, and learn how Curtis designs a champion pool.
Nathan's Mailbag episode 2, discussing playing from behind, staying motivated to win, accounting for 'player dif' and consuming league content responsibly.
This week we discuss staying Curious, patch 10.12, understanding scaling and respecting the complexity of the game.
The first episode of Nathan's Mailbag.
Curtis & Nathan discuss the new format of the Broken by Concept Podcast.
The NEW Champion mastery studio, looking back from Episode 1 and Nathan's Mailbag.
How Many Games A Week To Improve? - Stop Caring About What Others Think
Breaking Down 12.10 Durability Changes - Struggling With Reviewing
Breaking down the Infamous 3 Losing Lanes + Journey To Get Back To Previous Rank - Success story using BBC philosophy.
Hands Not Connecting With Brain, What would League be like without Flash, Calling Out Coaching Industry
Do Risky Plays Exist? - Failing To Understand Drafts - Tilt Queue
Psychology Behind Reddit Post & Comments
Sharing what we learned from Ray Dalio's Life and Work Principles. Pain + Reflection = Progress - The 'Pain' Barrier - Clash/Duo Advice
Nathan’s Coaching Client Getting Rank 1 + Principles They Learnt While Climbing -
Overcoming Intimidation From Other Players + Optimal Mindset To Getting Beat
Pretending Your Champion Scales - Can You Learn Poise? - Enchanters
Riot releases plans to remove DUO Q - Why Fun Is Dangerous - Developing Professional Mindset
Alternatives To 3 Blocking - Toxic Expectations - Logical vs. Intuitive players.
Solo Queue Therapy with Nathan - Mid Game Mastery - LS Told Me I Wouldn't Get Chall
Playing Worse Over Time - Influencer Culture - Dealing With Haters
Best Mindset For Solo Queue - Stress Being A Positive - Placebo Effects
Dealing With Failure - Developing Better Game Sense - Giving Up Dangers
The ULTIMATE guide to climbing the League of Legends ranked ladder in Season 12.
A entire Nathan's Mailbag episode where we answer questions written in from our listeners. Should I Use Chat? - What To Look For In Reviews - Comparing Processes
We react to popular LoL Youtuber Skooch - Riot's recent post on direction of upcoming changes to the game - Outdated Champions - NFL vs. League
XMAS Special - Sit down by the fire and listen to story time with Coach Curtis and Nathan Mott
Is getting to and playing in High Elo worth it? - Reacting To NEACE - Toxic SoloQ Relapse
Thoughts on LS Move To C9 - Tilting In Preseason - Minimizing Deaths
Exploring the New Champions Queue in NA - Voice Comms In Clash & Solo Queue - Loldodgegame
Pre Season Changes - Scuttle Crab Impact -Riots Intention With S12
Squid Game Is OPPOSITE To Solo Queue - Private Profile Breakdown
13 Wins Into 13 Losses + Reflecting On S11 Journey + The World Finals (DK vs. EDG)
Playing From Behind - Champions Shape Your SoloQ Journey - T1 vs. DK
Lucky Climbs - Anchoring Effect On Reddit - Elo Inflation Narrative
Eastern Concepts - League Language - Critical Thinking in League of Legends
How people are misusing the 30/30/40 Rule - Risk Perception - Confidence Issues - Formula 1 and League of Legends
ADHD In Gaming - Staying Focused - Emotional Regulation
Is Your Rank Accurate? - Learning Game Holistically vs. Being A OTP
The 3 different player archetypes: Brains Heart Body
We learn about the Physical side of gaming with Dr. Jordan Tsai.
Futuristic Champ Pool - Having Fun In League vs Improvement Approach - Burden Of Failure
Are You Addicted To League? - Fear Of Boredom - League Skills IRL
Being Afraid Of Success - Do You Need To LOVE The Game To Climb?
Curtis Thoughts On Tyler 1 Mid Challenge - Adapting To Chaos - Elo Inflation
Is 'The Process' Ruining Competitiveness? - Controlling Emotions
What is progression in League of Legends? FAKE PROCESS - How To Measure Progress - Reaction vs. Anticipation
Why High Elo Players Can Have POOR Processes - Curtis' problem with Nidalee - What is discipline in League? How to improve it.
Learning Styles - Dealing with Plateau - How Environment Impacts Rank - Rigid Thinking
Comparing With Others - Your League Journey - Process Failure
Bringing it back to Solo Queue. Levels Of Awareness - Tackling Tough Losses - Cognitive Distortions
KR Bootcamp From Hell - Jatt Benching Alphari - Reviewing Comp Games
Breaking down the End Of Review Process - Developing Growth Mindset - Regressing In SoloQ
Tyler 1 Solo Q Process - Mid Lane META - Empathy In Game
Horror Movie Special - Name Tags - OCE Imports - Role Swaps
MSI Talk - C9 Blaber - Making The Game More Fun
The 35 year old Tech executive who went from Iron to Gold in 12 months. This is his story.
We talk to our championship support player, Dire Wolves 2018 Cupcake - Finding A Player Identity - Defying The Solo Queue Laws
Breaking Down Jungle Changes - League Fears - Auto Wins Not Existing
The Solo Queue Contract - BBC Book Club - Understanding Solo Q Behavior
Reflecting On Our Past - DOPA's Nonsense - Elo Inflation
Getting In Your Head - Intensity Experiment - Mid vs. Jungle
Nathan's Mailbag Bonanza - Visualization - Attaching To Ideas - Anxiety
Improving SoloQ Intensity - Being Scared To Queue - Climbing Complexity
How is the verbal communication in League affecting our generation?
Is playing ranked in League of Legends a waste of time?
Will there ever be a female world champion in League of Legends?
Import Rule Removal. Will this be the death of NA League Of Legends?
Answering Questions From The Community Extravaganza
Faker vs. Tom Brady. Dodging In Solo Q. Does Age Matter?
with special guest Zaboutine, former Head Coach of Optic Gaming and Immortals.
Is The Carry Mindset Healthy or Not? - Nathan and Curtis’ SoloQ Update - The Problems With The Esports Business Model + Why We Aren’t In Esports - Analysis Of TSM Legends + Failure Of Leadership
S11 Ranked Reflections - Riot's Incompetence - Is Riot Like Facebook?
Beginning Of S11 - Dangers Of Asking Questions - Visualization
The ultimate guide to climbing ranked in Season 11.
Reflecting on the last year.
Our special Christmas episode dedicated to answering our listeners questions.
Is League An Addiction Or Passion? - Toxic League Relationships
The Gaming Culture Problem
How does our environment affect us?
AOC learns patience from League, stereotyping players, clarifying our last podcast on inhouses.
Broken By Concept - Episode 24 - In House
We are joined by special guest, Jonathan Brown.
Tracking enemy junglers and Season 11 meta, connecting through League, NA Coaching and SoloQ mentality, 'Broken' as a word overused in the community.
C9 Perkz, G2 Rekkles - Creating Psychological Advantages - How Hard It Is To Go Pro
As a follow up from Episode 18, we are going over the 2nd and 3rd parts of Dopa's post.
with special guest Simon "Swiffer" Papamarkos - Legendary mid in OCE turned Coach for Excel Academy.
DOPA's Reddit Post - DOPA's Solo Queue Philosophy - Champion Mastery
Importance Of Mental State - Bad Mindsets - Season 11 - Chess Pt.2
Preseason changes. What is Threat? The complexity of League of Legends. Reflection on our solo queue this year. How long does it take to get to Challenger? Will Wild Rift mobile be a highly competitive game?
Reflecting on the Worlds 2020 Final. Giving up in solo queue and the Main Character Theory. Effectiveness of team practice/scrims. Can Diamond players now beat Season 3 World Champions?
The Story of my League of Legends addiction. Importance of having a schedule. Is duo queuing worth it?
Bjergsen's Retirement. Are playing ARAMS/Urf beneficial? Solution to NA Challenger soloq.
Learning New Champions & Why It’s Important, How To Deal With Confidence Issues and Using Preseason, Benefits Of Playing Video Games, Positive Player Identities
What are common invisible narratives in League? Confidence and emotional states in ranked.
Worlds Knockout stage predictions, what makes a rank 1 soloq player? Is being a fill player worth it? Champs to play as a new player. Teamwork in League of Legends.
TSM's 0-6 Worlds failure. What are the major problems with the North American Region. Chess Grandmasters. The Five stages of Tribal Leadership. How to Prevent Autopiloting. Dealing with addiction to LoL.
Riot games announced the dissolution of the OPL (Oceanic Pro League) and closure of their Sydney office. Why did this happen, who does it affect and how? What does the future look like for League of Legends in Oceania?
Swapping roles in League, LoL's popularity in Korea and will it ever die? Curtis + Nathan Worlds Pickem, Group Stage Day 1 (TSM vs Fnatic), Q & A
Is data/analytics useful to help League of Legends players improve, motivation to play ranked, Professor Akali smurfing controversy, Rekkles' comment on consistency, removal of duo queue, the casting at Worlds 2020.
Broxah's Tweet about fans criticizing players at Worlds, maximizing your mechanics in soloq and how to improve them.
Building strong relationships, what is coaching in League of Legends and how do you become a Coach. Finally talking about the pros and cons of scrimming as an amateur/professional team.
Curtis and Nathan's take on the history of Worlds from 2012 to 2019.
What does Broken By Concept Mean? What does winning your lane actually mean? The importance of scheduling your Solo Queue. The history of Dire Wolves and how Curtis got into coaching.
The first ever Coach Curtis and Nathan Mott podcast. In this episode we talk about why we started the podcast, how we got here with some high school stories, soloq vs competitive , toxicity in League of Legends and meme culture.
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.