Scott Kiloby is an author and international speaker on mindfulness and addiction recovery. Scott is also the founder and director of the Kiloby Center for Recovery. After twenty years of addiction to drugs and alcohol, Scott began to develop Natural Rest for Addiction which has helped people all over the world confront the root of their addiction, anxiety, and depression.
Scott was the COO of MyLife Recovery which held the patent on the naltrexone implant. Scott also developed an app that acts as an interface between pain management doctors and their patients to decrease the likelihood of addiction. The app also protects doctors legally from claims of negligence arising out of opiate overdoses.
Along with his work at the Kiloby Center, Scott is also the director and co-owner of the Natural Rest House, a detox and residential addiction treatment center located in La Quinta, California.
In addition to Natural Rest for Addiction: A Radical Approach to Recovery Through Mindfulness and Awareness, Scott is the author of the following books which can be found on Amazon:
Living Realization: A Simple, Plain-English Guide to Non-Duality
The Unfindable Inquiry: One Simple Tool to Overcome Feelings of Unworthiness and Find Inner Peace
Reflections of the One Life: Daily Pointers to Enlightenment
Doorway to Total Liberation: Conversations with What Is
Love's Quiet Revolution: The End Of The Spiritual Search
Discussion of this interview in the BatGap Community Facebook Group.
Interview recorded 5/26/2012.
1st interview with Scott
3rd interview with Scott
YouTube Video Chapters:
00:00:00 - Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
00:04:09 - The Significance of Non-Dual Realization
00:07:04 - Seeking Validation in Relationships
00:09:26 - Inquiry into Self-Worth and Inadequacy
00:11:54 - The Velcro Effect: Letting Go of Negative Thoughts
00:13:45 - Overcoming the "I'm unlovable" story in relationships
00:15:53 - The Transformative Power of Relationship
00:18:04 - The Rewiring of Physiology for Realization
00:20:32 - The Dangers of Non-Seeking
00:23:17 - The Present Exploration
00:26:31 - The Unfindable Self
00:29:24 - The Unfindability of Personal Perspectives
00:32:26 - The Unfindable Self
00:34:40 - The Deficient Self
00:37:13 - The Inquiry and Self-Perception
00:39:44 - The Pursuit of Perfection
00:42:25 - The Suffering of Ambition
00:44:25 - Harnessing Authentic Ambitions
00:46:38 - Energetically Different Approach to Music Creation
00:49:03 - Performing One's Own Dharma
00:51:29 - The Mirror of Bullying
00:54:06 - Overcompensating and Awakening
00:56:46 - Awakening and Ego Aggrandizement
00:58:51 - The Recognition of Something Unchanging
01:01:11 - Being True to Yourself in Non-Dual Awakening
01:03:35 - Peacemaking and the Avoidance of Conflict
01:05:45 - The Readiness to Look
01:08:00 - The Connection Between Self and the World
01:10:25 - Finding Facilitators on
01:12:13 - Wrapping Up and Next Week's Interview with Nirmala
01:13:53 - The Conversation Continues