Dr. Laurie Moore, licensed therapist (LMFT), certified hypnotherapist (CHT) spends hours in uproarious laughter with friends, human and animal. For two decades she has assisted people and animals to transform their lives, awaken to universal love, and communicate in evolved and fulfilling ways. She has taught in Europe, around the USA, and all over Hawaii Islands reaching people of many backgrounds. Her reputation as an internationally respected therapist, animal communicator, and spiritual teacher began with the many awakening experiences she was ushered through by Divine Ma, inside her own heart, and Jessie Justin Joy, her feline Guru. Supported and inspired by many, she is especially close to Gangaji and Sh. Ahmed. She credits Braco and Dr. Karl Maret for her new found stamina which shapes her latest work, after some years of severe physical challenge.
Dr. Laurie Moore's website.
Summary and transcript of this interview
Interview recorded 7/21/2012
Other BatGap events involving Laurie:
Laurie Moore 2
Laurie Moore in Panel at Sofia U. Part 1 | Part 2
YouTube Video Chapters:
00:00:00 - Introduction to Animal Communication
00:04:05 - Animals and Awakening
00:06:46 - Animals as Partners in Community
00:10:35 - The Language of Animals and the Reality of Perception
00:14:20 - The Invitation to Be Here Now
00:17:56 - Awakening to a Deeper Love
00:21:13 - The correlation of the body with everything else
00:25:06 - The Construct of Identity
00:30:35 - Introducing Lila and the Importance of Sitting with Numbness
00:35:40 - Going into the Heart and Finding Love
00:40:22 - Finding Balance in Surrender and Action
00:45:02 - The Value of Solitude and Stillness
00:49:13 - Love for the Universe and Cat Reincarnation
00:53:16 - The Oneness Experience through Animals
00:57:43 - Connecting with Animal Teachers, Unconditional Love, and Suffering
01:00:53 - Embracing the Dark and Light
01:04:42 - The Experience of No Personal Identity
01:09:34 - Functioning as a Biological Entity
01:14:14 - Communication and Cooperation with Animals
01:17:51 - Communicating with Animals
01:20:56 - The Hierarchy in Creation and the Potential of Animals in Permaculture
01:24:32 - Animals as Teachers
01:29:04 - The Evolution of Souls
01:33:17 - Awakening and Enlightenment
01:36:57 - Animals and Awakening
01:40:34 - The Wisdom of Animals
01:43:46 - Enlightenment in Animals and Babies
01:47:10 - The Profound Intelligence in Nature
01:50:41 - Expressing Consciousness through Sophistication
01:55:12 - Inviting people to give themselves fully