Sally Kempton is a deeply practiced teacher of meditation and spiritual philosophy, and the author of the books Meditation for the Love of It and Awakening Shakti: as well as the audio course Doorways to the Infinite, recently put out by Sounds True. A former swami in the Saraswati order of India, she has been practicing and teaching devotional contemplative tantra for more than 40 years. Her teaching is powerfully sourced in the eastern meditative traditions of yoga and Kashmir Shaivism, yet highly contemporary in her focus on evolutionary practice. She offers a powerful transmission of meditative experience.
Meditation for the Love of It
Beginning Meditation
Meditation for the Love of It
Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga
Shakti Meditations
Doorways to the Infinite: The Art and Practice of Tantric Meditation (audio program)
1st BatGap interview with Sally
2nd BatGap interview with Sally
Dr. Menas Kafatos is The Fletcher Jones Endowed Professor of Computational Physics and Director of Excellence at Chapman University. He received his B.A. in Physics from Cornell University in 1967 and his Ph.D. in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1972. After postdoctoral work at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, he joined George Mason University and was University Professor of Interdisciplinary Sciences there from 1984-2008. He has authored and co-authored numerous books including The Conscious Universe, The Non-local Universe, and Principles of Integrative Science. He is a recipient of the Rustum Roy Award from the Chopra Foundation, which “honors individuals whose devotion and commitment to their passion for finding answers in their field is matched only by their commitment to humanity” and the IEEE Orange County Chapter – Outstanding Leadership and Professional Service Award. He has been interviewed numerous times by national and international TV networks, newspapers and radio programs.
Wikipedia page
The Non-Local Universe: The New Physics and Matters of the Mind
The Conscious Universe: Parts and Wholes in Physical Reality
Looking In, Seeing Out: Consciousness and Cosmos
BatGap interview with Menas
Igor Kufayev was born in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. In his childhood, he had many episodes associated with awakening. At the age of thirty-six, Igor underwent a radical transformation of consciousness which subsequently blossomed into spontaneous unfoldment of Grace.
Since April 2011, Igor and his family have been based in Costa Rica. He continues working with those who require guidance using various forms of communication.
Wikipedia page
YouTube Channel: Flowing Wakefulness
Other BatGap events with Igor:
Igor Kufayev with David Loy
Igor Kufayev with Jac O’Keeffe, and Francis Bennett
Igor Kufayev, in Panel Discussion with John Hagelin and Mark McCooey
Transcript of this discussion
Discussion recorded 10/24/2014
YouTube Video Chapters:
00:00:00 - Exploring the Ultimate Reality in Kashmir Shaivism
00:03:04 - Non-dual contemplative devotional tantra
00:06:43 - Mathematics and Universal Consciousness
00:09:40 - The Veiling Principle in Shaivism and Quantum Physics
00:12:45 - The Limitation of Words and Perception
00:15:23 - The Veiling of Maya and the Principle of Vibration
00:17:53 - The Quantum Science of Consciousness
00:20:05 - The Continuum of the Quantum Field
00:22:29 - The Veiling Power of Language
00:24:53 - The Rhythmic Movement of Wholeness
00:27:03 - The Physical World Explanation of Subtle Realities in Physics
00:28:51 - Questions and Explanations
00:31:04 - One Mind, One Reality
00:32:49 - Levels of Sound from Para to Vicari
00:35:12 - The Unapologetic View of Indian Spirituality
00:38:12 - The Golden Age and the Loss of Language