Recently at a Whirling Dervish Meditation in Istanbul I read how Rumi summarized his life: I was immature; I became experienced; I was consumed.
I could divide this lifetime in those categories also, starting with a life driven by conditioning resulting in a very successful appearance without much satisfaction. Then the search for real happiness and peace. Decades of working with different modalities and sitting with many masters leading to teaching others how to relinquish conditioning and experience peaceful Silence.
And now, Satsang starts with the truth of everyone, the perfection of Self. The tapestry of life includes all as the expression of Consciousness without any separation. Anything that attempts to obscure this truth melts in its power.
Satsang is given in America, Canada and Europe as well as Private Satsang Sessions.
Book: The Great Undoing
Transcript of this interview
Interview conducted 5/16/2015
YouTube Video Chapters:
00:00:00 - Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
00:04:14 - Present in the Teaching
00:08:31 - Being at Home with Presence
00:12:40 - Finding Peace in the Unknown
00:17:19 - The Breath as a Profound and Overlooked Practice
00:21:29 - Death as Part of Life
00:25:54 - Dying to the Personality
00:30:22 - A Surprise Visit and the Next Obvious Thing
00:34:48 - Resonating with a Teacher
00:39:10 - A Conversation about Comedy and Philosophy
00:42:16 - The Joy of Expressing Yourself
00:45:25 - Going Beyond Conditioning
00:48:50 - Finding Peace in Deep Presence
00:52:16 - Sweet Blissful Experience
00:55:41 - The Truth of Who You Are
00:59:18 - Reflecting on the Meaning of Life and the Universe
01:02:39 - The Miraculous Laws of Nature
01:05:56 - The Duality of Right and Wrong
01:09:25 - Expressing the True Self
01:12:37 - Homework and Spiritual Zeal
01:15:44 - Resistance and the Joy of Rebirthing
01:19:06 - Seeking Happiness in the Outward Direction
01:22:12 - Maintaining Silence and Comprehensiveness
01:25:42 - Encouragement and Reminding Yourself
01:29:16 - A Magnificent Experience
01:32:52 - Finding Security in the Present Moment
01:36:24 - The Paradox of Personhood
01:39:37 - The Burning Sensation of Meditation
01:43:03 - The Power of Consciousness and the Breath
01:46:46 - "No Joy in Smallness"
01:49:46 - Emo Phillips and Weird Comedy