A former athlete, teacher, and business entrepreneur, JC is now an author, producer, and teacher who corresponds with students worldwide. A student himself, first of his enlightened father, and later of world-renowned teachers J.Krishnamurti and Eckhart Tolle, JC's own investigation into the nature of Life and the universe led to realizations in Pure Consciousness that eventually led to the writing of his critically acclaimed book, The Christ Is Not a Person: The Evolution of Consciousness and the Destiny of Man. He has written and produced a three-episode video series entitled, Pure Consciousness: The Last Frontier. It can be viewed online at jctefft.com. Non-duality teachings focused on the nature of Awakening unto Pure Conscious Awareness posted in the form of video shorts will be made available for viewing online in the coming years.
Transcript of this interview
Interview recorded 3/26/2016.
YouTube Video Chapters:
00:00:00 - Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
00:06:09 - The Unique Path of Awakening
00:11:52 - Awakening and Shared Exploration
00:17:52 - Profound Impact of Krishnamurti and the Bible
00:23:17 - Writing The Christ is NOT a Person
00:29:54 - The Illusion of Separateness and Egoic Control
00:35:42 - The Falling Away of the Sense of Self
00:41:28 - The Illusion of Separateness
00:45:41 - Myths and Legends surrounding Jesus
00:50:36 - Encompassing Awareness and Oneness
00:56:03 - Shankara and the Illusory Elephant (Part 1)
01:02:18 - The Yoga of Stillness
01:07:29 - The Church's control over religious texts
01:11:52 - The Interpretation of Energy and Life in Conceptual Terms
01:16:41 - Overview of "The Christ is NOT a Person" book and videos
01:22:29 - The Dawn of a New Era in Conscious Awareness
01:28:03 - The Illusion of Separate Entities
01:32:40 - Life's Movement and Divine Expression
01:37:59 - The Nature of Awakening and the Illusion of Stages
01:41:59 - Stages of Consciousness and the Conceptualization of Mind
01:45:55 - The identification process leading to conflict
01:50:58 - Allowing Writing to Flow
01:56:05 - The Evolution of Religion
02:01:30 - The Meaning of Christ Beyond Literal Definitions
02:06:52 - The Origins of Christianity and Constantine's Role
02:12:46 - Self Realization and God-realization
02:17:35 - The Possibility of God Experiencing Life as a Drug Addict
02:22:30 - The Dual Nature of Good and Evil
02:28:00 - Awakening unto the reality of THIS
02:32:38 - Awakenings and Letting Go of Attachments
02:34:43 - A Practical Note to End On