After years of radical liberation in my own absence eventually became another kind of prison, I found freedom from "Enlightenment" in the freedom to live a richly human bittersweet life, in a new way, the way of transimmanence, in which the spiritual and the material are unified, and everything including suffering is a sacred expression of the divine.
Discovering how many other people have been harmed by modern adaptations of liberation via self-negation teachings, I've become a Spiritual Emergence Coach, and run peer support groups for people experiencing spiritual crisis, especially related to Neo-Advaita.
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Summary and Transcript of this interview
Interview recorded August 21, 2022
YouTube Video Chapters:
00:00:00 - Introduction to Buddha at the Gas Pump
00:04:02 - Childhood Panic Attacks and Existential Thoughts
00:07:49 - Dissolution of the Sense of Self
00:11:20 - The Beginnings of Pure OOCD and Existential Thoughts
00:15:26 - Awakening Beyond Thought and Self
00:19:43 - The Path of Jnana Yoga
00:23:34 - Exploring the Demise of Ego and Boundaries
00:27:20 - The Dark Side of Radical Contentment
00:31:35 - Concerns about Neo-Advaita in Self-Help Books
00:35:20 - The Relief of Realizing Nothing Matters
00:39:45 - The Fear of Death and Martyr Complex
00:44:23 - Embracing Paradox in Spiritual Awareness
00:47:58 - The Erosion of Language and Relationships
00:51:59 - The Pitfall of the Spiritual Ego
00:55:35 - The Shift into Depersonalization
00:59:26 - The Value of Going through Different Phases
01:03:32 - Exploring New Paradigms of Reality
01:07:40 - The Illusion of Selflessness and Awakening
01:11:09 - The challenge of Neo-Advaita spiritual teachings
01:14:48 - The Non-permanence of Flashy Experiences and the Misunderstanding of Realization
01:18:32 - Interpretations of the Ultimate Truth
01:22:24 - Embracing Fear and the Process of Rebirth
01:26:02 - Realization of the larger aspect of one's nature
01:29:25 - Dissolution of Physicality and Meditation Process
01:32:59 - Kundalini Awakenings and the Dangers of Neo-Advaita
01:36:27 - The Nothing Conference
01:40:17 - The Oneness of Individuals
01:43:30 - Eye Gazing and Unividuality
01:47:23 - The Severe Consequences of Toxic Teachings
01:50:52 - Living in Boundlessness and Boundaries
01:54:18 - Subscriber Notification System