Ritual to Take Buddhist Precepts
Take a seated position in front of an image or statue of the Buddha. If you don’t have such an image you can instead imagine the presence of the Buddha in front of you. If the idea of the Buddha is too religious
for you then instead bring to mind a group of people who you respect to bear witness to your commitment.
Imagine them seated in front of you. Go down on one knee and place the palms of your hands together in a gesture of prayer.
Initially set your motivation clearly. You are taking these precepts to benefit yourself and the people you come into contact with in your circle. After setting your motivation in this way repeat three times the
precepts you wish to take from the list below.
1. I undertake the precept to refrain from physical violence, harming or destroying the life of living creatures.
2. I undertake the precept to refrain from taking that which is not given.
3. I undertake the precept to refrain from sexual activity that harms myself or others.
4. I undertake the precept to refrain from speaking falsely.
5. I undertake the precept to refrain from intoxicating drinks and drugs.
After repeating these vows, feel that they have been accepted deep within your mind and have permanently cut off many paths of careless and harmful behaviour in this lifetime. Imagine all the regret and stress that
such unskilful behaviour bring on has been freed from your body and mind. Reflect on this for a few moments and relax.
This practice is extracted from a new book 'Illusions on the Path', now available on Amazon and Kindle:
Many thanks to Karma Yeshe Rabgye for recording this meditation
Website - bit.ly/BuddhismGuide