Terry Patten–spiritual teacher and author–joins us to speak about some of the challenging issues involve in teaching and practicing an empowering form of dharma. We begin the conversation by exploring his history with infamous teacher Adi Da. Patten spent many years practicing intimately with Da, and shares his incredible love and appreciation for his guru, while also openly acknowledging the many challenges and paradoxes inherent in his approach. He also speaks about the problem of the “rare specimen” and the ways that incredible teachers inadvertently create “demotional”, as opposed to devotional, cultures around themselves.
This topics leads us to then explore the various ways that we, often quite unsuccessfully, work with the areas of money, sexuality, and power. We look at why these forces are so challenging to us as social creatures, and as part of that Terry issues an interesting challenge to the Western Buddhist community.
This is part 1 of a two-part series. Listen to part 2, Seasons of Practice.
Episode Links:
Integral Spiritual Practice ( http://www.integralspiritualpractice.com )
Integral Life Practice ( http://amzn.to/sTzZSx )
Beyond Awakening ( http://beyondawakeningseries.com )
The Knee of Listening ( http://amzn.to/sq5paV )
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