On Trump's return and the end of the End of History (still!)
Historian and Jacobin contributing editor Matt Karp joins us to extract the true meaning of the US election. We discuss:
How Trump's victory explodes so many Democrat assumptions about demography and identity
How this election re-writes the past ten years' history
Whether Trump still retains an anti-political or anti-establishment charge
If the Democrats are preponderant in leading sectors of the knowledge economy, is this a political rejection of its assumptions?
How to place this election in the sweep of the global anti-incumbency wave
What the relationship is between inflation, labour and legitimacy
Power Lines, Matt Karp, Harper's
It’s Happening Again, Matt Karp, Jacobin
Democrats join 2024’s graveyard of incumbents, John Burn-Murdoch, FT
/447/ Brunch Back Better ft. Ryan Zickgraf & Amber A'Lee Frost