Drones, which were originally developed by the military, are now being used all over the world for humanitarian purposes. Shamim Nabuuma Kaliisa, the founder of CHIL-AI, tells Jo Critcher how she was inspired by her own experience of cancer to use drones to give more women in Uganda access to screening.
In Sweden, the CEO of Everdrone, Mats Sällström, describes how drones are being used to quickly transport life-saving equipment to emergency situations.
There are more challenges to using drones in smaller, more densely populated countries like the UK but Elliot Parnham, the CEO of the drone operator Skyfarer, says he believes they can be overcome. His company is starting a pilot scheme to help the NHS transport critical medical supplies.
Presenter/Producer: Jo Critcher
(Photo: PWOne drone; Credit: Skyfarer Ltd.)