Financial sanctions are being used against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine so we’re exploring the role of cryptocurrency in the war. Is crypto being used to evade sanctions as assets are sezied and bank transactions blocked? Or is it simply a means of survival for millions of people in the region who can’t access any other forms of money? We find out by talking to Gaby Hui from Merkle Science, former US government advisor Ari Redbord head of legal and government affairs at TRM labs, Artem Afian a Ukrainian lawyer who has compiled a blacklist of crypto wallets connected to Russian politicians, Sir Julian Lee, former EU commissioner for the Security Union and Sandra Ro, CEO of the Global Blockchain Business Council - a non-profit organisation focused on developing the blockchain industry. Presented by Tamasin Ford and produced by Clare Williamson. (Image: Representation of Bitcoin and Russian flag, Credit: Getty Images)