”But Jesus Drank Wine” & Other Stories That Kept Us Stuck
What if your body was already ready for summer?
What would it feel like to not treat your body as a project that needed to be somehow fixed or made smaller? As we head into the summer, what would it feel like to already feel summer-body ready? On today’s episode, we welcome fellow coach and sister in Christ, Jess Connolly, author of “Breaking Free from Body Shame, Dare To Reclaim What God Has Named Good.”
We chat about what happens when we treat our bodies as projects. Constantly meeting some cultural standard of beauty means focusing on our glory instead of God’s. It also means missing out on the abundance He has for us in the here and now when we strive to reach a certain weight or size. We talk about how we can make little shifts in our thinking to embrace the good bodies God has already given us.
We also give into the question, can you be free from body shame and also want to focus on your health? Or are the two at odds with each other? And where does rest play into our picture of health?
You can follow Jess Connolly on Instagram @jessaconnolly, @breakingfreefrombodyshame and @goandtellgals and order Breaking Free From Body Shame here.
Thank you for listening! xx
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The creators, hosts, and producers of the But Jesus Drank Wine podcast are not healthcare practitioners and therefore do not give medical, psychological or professional advice nor do they intend for the podcast, any communication on behalf of BJDW or otherwise to be a substitute for such. Additionally, the views and opinions expressed in any mention of and/or linked resources are those of the authors/owners of those resources and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of the But Jesus Drank Wine podcast team or guests of the show.