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Music ▶️'The Rise' (from 'Monomyth') [Epic Orchestral CC-BY] by Scott Buckley – released under CC-BY 4.0. www.scottbuckley.com.au
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00:00 intro 00:31 Rona "Garry, I feel sorry for you." 02:59 Emotions in chess 09:50 Why was Garry so dominant for decades? 14:39 Garry's leaked database 20:28 working with computers 23:32 how much do you trust the engine? 27:37 how does Fabi deals with dependency on engines? 30:37 Garry as a coach to Magnus 45:11 Garry as a coach to Hikaru 50:20 Author 54:54 Why did Magnus did not defend the title? 58:13 Garry as an organizer 1:04:10 how do you feel about playing chess these days?