Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig Audio Podcast
Ours is not a reading culture anymore. Reading has been replaced by visual sound bites. And reading the Bible is a difficult endeavor, since it was written so long ago with cultures and practices that are now outdated. So, what are we to do? Isn’t it just easier to listen to sermons and pick up Bible truths from social media posts? It is easier, but not better. Let me give you some helpful tips.
I. It Will Transform Your Life
II. It Will Challenge Your Mind
III. It Will Delight Your Heart
IV. It Will Clarify Your Vision
V. It Will Stabilize Your Future
VI. It Will Guard Your Steps
Talk with God: Ask the Holy Spirit to give you clear understanding and “ears to hear,” (Mark 4:9), as you begin your quiet times this week.
Talk with others: Ask a friend or mentor to hold you accountable to read and study the Word consistently.
Talk with kids: How did God show mercy to Adam and Eve?