Ever since Jesus came to Earth over 2,000 years ago to die and rise again, He promised to return. And believers have been looking for Him since. Every generation has its doomsday preachers and prophecy “experts,” predicting when He will return. But today we examine not when He will come back, but rather how we should live until He does. James tells us three ways we are to wait for it.
I. Be Ready
II. Be Patient
III. Be Strong
Talk with God: Meditate on verse 8 and ask the Lord to give you the wisdom to “strengthen your [heart]” (NASB), so you can continue to live for Him in the last days.
Talk with others: Encourage a fellow believer to seek the Lord diligently and continue in the faith as we wait for His coming.
Talk with kids: Why should we celebrate when others repent and turn to Jesus?