Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig Audio Podcast
The Bible opens with the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. After the first humans disobeyed and chose death, God graciously kept them away from the Tree of Life, lest they live forever in their fallen state. But now, at the end of the Bible, the Tree of Life reemerges in the garden environment of the capital city of heaven. Today, let’s consider our future home.
I. Anterior Design
II. Exterior Design
III. Interior Design
IV. Superior Design
Talk with God: Thank the Lord for His faithful love and gracious plan of redemption as we prepare to celebrate the birth of His Son.
Talk with others: Reach out to a believer who may be hurting this Christmas season and encourage them to seek comfort from the “God [who] will wipe away every tear from their eyes” (21:4).
Talk with kids: Why is Jesus’ return good news for Christians?