Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig Audio Podcast
How many times have you heard about the separation of church and state? I’m guessing a lot! But usually, it’s from Christians who think that it is in the Bible (it is not). It comes from secularists who think that it comes from the US Constitution (it does not). Every election cycle brings with it the dilemma: Should Christians be involved in politics? If so, to what degree?
I. Complexity
II. Policy
III. Responsibility
Talk with God: Pray for our elected leaders and candidates and ask the Lord for wisdom and clarity as you get ready to vote.
Talk with others: Encourage a believer who is anxious about the upcoming election and remind them that “no purpose of [God’s] can be thwarted” (Job 42:2, ESV).
Talk with kids: How does learning about God help us receive courage?