As we begin episodes numbered in the sixties, the Camerosity crew decided we haven't heard enough from our listeners, so rather than devote Episode 60 to one specific brand, style, or region of cameras, we decided to put out the call for a Listener's Choice episode!
Messages were plastered all over social media, Facebook, our new Discord server asking you all to join us, share with us what you've been shooting lately, any recent GAS you've picked up or are thinking of picking up, ask any questions of the hosts or other guests, whatever you wanted.
And boy, did you all respond! With a total of 18 participants on this show, Anthony, Paul, Theo, and Mike were joined by returning callers Patrick Rapps, Andrew Smith, Mario and Julienne Piper, Greg McCreash, Marcy Merrill, Marc Gordon, Kyle Liu, and first time callers, AJ Gentile, Bill Chou, Bill Vitiello, Joseph Schallmo, Sam Kellett, and Tim Peters!
We went around the room and asked each caller what they've been up to, and if you were to have asked me and the other hosts what types of cameras would be discussed, none of us would have predicted the number of early 20th century box cameras, large Graflex SLRs, military cameras, and other oddball stuff that camera geeks like us love! Of course, there was plenty of love for Rolleis, the Nikon S2, the Minolta X-700, Argus C3, Voigtländer Bessa, Yashica 44 and many more. In addition to camera GAS, Julienne Piper shares with us her method for making 122 size roll film out of computer paper, shooting dry plates, making your own bellows, how Mike once used a garbage bag to keep light out of a camera, and much, MUCH more!
As always, the topics we discuss on the Camerosity Podcast are influenced by you! Please don’t feel like you have to be an expert on a specific type of camera, or have the level of knowledge on par with other people on the show. We LOVE people who are new to shooting and are interested in having an episode dedicated to people new to the hobby, so please don’t consider your knowledge level to be a prerequisite for joining!
The guys and I rarely know where each episode is going to go until it happens, so if you’d like to join us on a future episode, be sure to look out for our show announcements on our Camerosity Podcast Facebook page, the Camerosity Discord server, and right here on We usually record every other Monday and announcements, along with the Zoom link are typically shared 2-3 days in advance.
For the next episode of the show, we would like to focus on a subset of cameras that get mentioned often, but we rarely spend more than a short passing moment on them, compact point and shoots. For many, point and shoot cameras represent the cheapest and simplest entry into film photography, but therein lies their strengths. With a good number of point and shoots featuring a high quality lens, a point and shoot offers a level of convenience and spontaneity that larger, more feature rich cameras can't match. If you've ever tried capturing a fleeting moment of a child playing with a puppy using a falling plate camera or an early roll film camera you'll know that perhaps that Nikon L35AF is just what the doctor ordered! We will record Episode 61 on Monday, December 11th so be sure to look out for the show announcement 2-3 days before then!
In This Episode
The Camerosity Podcast is now on Discord! Join Anthony, Paul, Theo, and Mike on our very own Discord Server. Share your GAS and photography with other listeners in the Lounge or in our dedicated forums. If you have questions for myself or the other guys, we have an “Ask the Hosts” section as well where you can get your question answered on a future show! Check it out!
If you would like to offer feedback or contact us with questions or ideas for future episodes, please contact us in the Comments Section below, our Camerosity Facebook Group or Instagram page, or email us at [email protected].
The Official Camerosity Facebook Group -
Camerosity Instagram -
Mario and Julienne Piper -
Marcy Merrill -
Theo Panagopoulos -
Paul Rybolt - and
Anthony Rue - and