No one has recently challenged the Camerosity Podcast as the "Nerdiest Film Photography Podcast" but that won't stop us from further proving that point by taking a trip to the USA!
No, not that USA, this time I am talking about the United States of Argus! For Episode 42 we invite two special guests, both members of the Argus Collector's Group, Phillip Sterritt and Mike Reitsma. Phil and Mike both have an otherworldly level of knowledge about Argus and their cameras, their history, rare versions, and what the best Arguses are to use.
Although we spend a great deal of time on Argus, in this episode, we venture into a huge number of other American cameras worth checking out, like ANSCO, Perfex, Clarus, Universal, Falcon, Detrola, Ciro-Flex, Graflex, Wollensak, Winpro, and many others!
Joining us on this episode are collectors and first time callers Eric Risse, Pat Casey, and retired US Navy Photographer Greg McCreash who at the very end of the show busts out one of the most amazing American Cameras ever made, but I don't want to spoil it for you, so you'll just have to listen to the episode (or read the show notes). In addition to Eric, Pat, and Greg are returning guests Dan Hausman, and Robert Rotoloni.
On the episode we cover a ton of history, what is an extinction meter and how does it work, our recommendations on which American cameras you should try if you've never shot an American camera before, and Theo discovers a rare Australian Argus in his collection that he didn't even know he had!
As always, the topics we discuss on the Camerosity Podcast are influenced by you! We would love to hear from more listeners, especially those who are new to shooting film or collecting cameras. Please don't feel like you have to be an expert on a specific type of camera, or have the level of knowledge on par with other people on the show. We LOVE people who are new to shooting and are interested in having an episode dedicated to people new to the hobby, so please don't consider your knowledge level to be a prerequisite for joining!
The guys and I rarely know where each episode is going to go until it happens, so if you'd like to join us on a future episode, be sure to look out for our show announcements on our Camerosity Podcast Facebook page, and right here on We usually record every other Monday and announcements, along with the Zoom link are typically shared 2-3 days in advance.
If you want to join us for our next episode, we will record Episode 43 on Monday, February 20th and we will talk to John Minnick about his custom built Graflexes, along with an entire Graflex and 4x5 discussion. Be sure to stay tuned for the official announcement!
This Week's Episode
Show Notes
If you would like to offer feedback or contact us with questions or ideas for future episodes, please contact us in the Comments Section below, our Camerosity Facebook Group or Instagram page, or email us at [email protected].
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Argus Collector's Group -
Phillip Sterritt -
Mike Reitsma (Argus Museum) -
Dan Hausman -
Theo Panagopoulos -
Paul Rybolt - and
Anthony Rue - and