In what is a record for the longest time between recording and release, Episode 77 is finally here! Recorded more than 2 weeks ago, in this episode we follow up Episode 76 with a second episode about "stuff we know". Before they were podcast superstars, Theo, Mike, and Paul have blogs and we wanted to share some behind the scenes secrets of the wonderful world of blogging.
Joining us are fellow bloggers, Peggy Marsh, Alex Luyckx, Eric Jason, Dan Cuny, and Jim Grey who tell us their origin stories, what their process is for how they choose what to write about, and what's next for their blogs. Joining us are non bloggers, A.J. Gentile and Will Pinkham who get inspired and consider making their own blog!
As a group, we also discuss the state of blogging, has the luster of long form reviews been replaced by byte sized content from TikTok and Instagram Reels? Alex discusses his experiences with Adox Scala and black and white reversal developers, Dan Cuny talks about his collection of vintage film negatives that he scans and posts online, and Paul reveals a guy he found in China that can modify standard Hasselblad backs, turning them into Hasselblad XPan sized panoramic backs.
Because of a combination of regular delays along with a laptop crash which required this episode to be edited from beginning to end twice, Episode 78 has already been recorded before Episode 77 was ready for release. Paul, Theo, and Mike had an intimate discussion with Johnny Martyr, A.J. Gentile, and Miles Libak about shooting medium format, Mike's favorite Japanese 4.5x6 folding camera, and how the process of professionally shooting film in the digital age has changed from before.
Episode 79 will be all about medium format SLRs. If you're interested in Bronica, Mamiya, Kowa, Norita, Praktisix, (but hot Hasselblad) SLRs, this is the episode for you! We will record on Monday, October 14th at 7pm Central Daylight Time and 8pm Eastern Daylight Time.
The guys and I rarely know where each episode is going to go until it happens, so if you’d like to join us on a future episode, be sure to look out for our show announcements on our Camerosity Podcast Facebook page, the Camerosity Discord server, and right here on We usually record every other Monday and announcements, along with the Zoom link are typically shared 2-3 days in advance.
In This Episode
The Camerosity Podcast is now on Discord! Join Anthony, Paul, Theo, and Mike on our very own Discord Server. Share your GAS and photography with other listeners in the Lounge or in our dedicated forums. If you have questions for myself or the other guys, we have an “Ask the Hosts” section as well where you can get your question answered on a future show! Check it out!
If you would like to offer feedback or contact us with questions or ideas for future episodes, please contact us in the Comments Section below, our Camerosity Facebook Group, Instagram page, or Discord server.
The Official Camerosity Facebook Group -
Camerosity Instagram -
Peggy Marsh - Camera Go Camera -
Alex Luyckx -
Eric Jason - Aperture Preview -
Dan Cuny -
Jim Grey - Down the Road -
Theo Panagopoulos -
Paul Rybolt - -
Anthony Rue -