Deja vu much? This week we’re joined by Monster Donut’s other half, Emily! She is a classics officionado, and we’re thrilled to ask her ALL the questions. We learn a lot about mystery cults, and just how absolutely bonkers the cave of Trophonious was. In these chapters, Apollo and Meg head off to the cave to get their prophecy. They encounter some evil Yales and then Apollo essentially gets drunk and plunges into the depths. Unfortunately, Apollo isn’t the one to get possessed by the prophecy ghost - instead, Meg is chosen, and we see more of her trauma. Then she is swarmed by bees (Frank?). Be sure to check out Monster Donut (@pjopod) and give Emily a follow as well (@emilyjgarber). ————————————————————— SUPPORT US ON PATREON: SEND US AN AUDIO MESSAGE: