A young woman's cell phone diary chronicles the end of days first hand as deadly alien war machines emerge from fallen meteorites and rain fiery destruction upon an unsuspecting populace.
A new adaptation of the H. G. Wells classic!
Warning: May contain explicit language and graphic content not suitable for younger audiences.
Adapted, produced and directed for this series by John Ballentine
Shelby Sessler http://www.youtube.com/user/shelbeanie143?feature=watch
Joe Stofko http://www.harvestaudio.joestofko.com/home/
Jack Kincaid http://edictzero.wordpress.com/
Glenn Hascall http://www.freewebs.com/glennhascall/
John Ballentine
Blaine Hicklin
Julie Hoverson http://www.19nocturneboulevard.net/
Teresa Ballentine
Catherine Rinella http://midnightaudiotheatre.com/
Scott Spaulding http://decoratedair.com/
Music by Kevin MacLeod and Setuniman
Running time 37:07