Canada by Night a Vampire the Masquerade Podcast
Due to some conflicts with Ryan's grad school schedule, guest Storyteller Tom McGee will be taking over our story for the next 9 episodes, with Ryan returning for episode 1.22 onwards. And if you enjoy Tom's storytelling, you can also find him on our other ongoing podcasts as Dungeon Master of Dumb-Dumbs & Dragons and Game Master of The Valentyne Heresy: A Warhammer 40,000 Podcast.
The coterie continued their desperate struggle to survive the ongoing massacre. Evangeline, realizing her duty, raced back to help her fellow kindred, Doris broke the compulsion controlling Val, and Val managed to tear apart Esme’s head, but not before Everett was driven into torpor. Where do they go from here with no enemy left alive to interrogate about Lilith?
Featuring our Storyteller Tom McGee (@mcgeetd) alongside Everett (@Tyler_Hewitt), Val (@deltastic), Evangeline (@lauraehamstra) and Doris.
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