Maximillion Cooper (@mrgumball3000) is the founder of Gumball 3000. The Gumball 3000 is a car rally which every year takes a hundred or so supercars on a crazy journey across multiple continents. I have a chat with Max about the journey of Gumball from a one off rally to the global brand it is today. Check out the video:
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Show Notes:
00:00 = Intro + the beginning of the Gumball 3000
03:27 = Trying to buy an F1 team
07:15 = The beginnings of a rally
10:18 = First year issues?
14:33 = Where did the 3000 part come from?
16:19 = It's an endurance event
22:48 = It's a unique adventure
23:25 = At what point did people start lining the roads along the route? + Jackass does Gumball
28:03 = What's involved with shutting down Regent Street
30:56 = What's the lead time on planning rallies?
31:25 = Is it difficult to get sponsors with Gumball's crazy party image?
34:09 = How do the finances work on sponsorship vs entrance fees.
38:08 = When did flying cars in planes start?
45:12 = Do you feel the pressure to keep upping the ante?
47:27 = Do you have any standout stops?
54:17 = Do you vet the entrants and the cars?
58:25 = Have you had border troubles? - The Germany saga
1:08:31 = Is getting insurance simple?
1:10:25 = Spirit Of The Gumball?
1:13:35 = Do you have some favourite cars from the rallies?
1:15:21 = Where is the next rally?
1:17:01 = 5 Questions
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