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The GO-TO Podcast for Amazing Bible and Christian Stories for Kids!
Are your kids stuck in the backseat, moaning and groaning, because they’re bored out of their minds?
They want to be entertained, but you’re not thrilled about handing over your iPhone or iPad for mindless games. You want more for them—something that will not only capture their attention but help them grow spiritually, too.
Am I right?
Yes? Fantastic!
That’s exactly why we created this podcast! It’s packed with exciting Bible stories, inspiring missionary people, true stories, Bible verses, and even shout outs and other exciting things from Poppy’s glitter box. It’s an incredible world of stories designed to bring your little ones closer to Jesus.
Picture this: peaceful car rides while your kids are captivated by these stories, soaking in God’s Word. But it doesn’t stop there! These stories are perfect for listening while cooking together, during family worship, or as a calming bedtime routine.
And here’s the best part—our stories are brought to life with special sound effects, making every scene exciting and easy to imagine. Your kids will be hooked, and before long, they’ll fall in love with these audio adventures!
We believe it’s so important to introduce God in a way that sparks joy and wonder, helping your children deepen their love for Him.
So go ahead—hit that play button and be inspired by these Christian stories for the car (or wherever you love to listen)!
The podcast Car Ride Stories for GIGI Kids: Bible and Christian Stories for Kids is created by Esther Espinoza. The podcast and the artwork on this page are embedded on this page using the public podcast feed (RSS).
Poppy and Esther are on an amazing train ride on their way to an adventure - join them as Esther tells the story of a boy who steals a toy train! Will he get caught?
Jack took a deep breath. It was now or never. He grabbed his backpack, ran into Leo’s room, and stuffed the train and the tracks into his backpack as quick as he could. Struggling with his now very heavy backpack, Jack closed Leo’s door again and hustled down the steps.
Leo was already buckled into the car and Dad was waiting outside to strap Jack in. Taking Jack’s backpack, Dad looked surprise.
“Whoa! What are you taking to school today, buddy? Rocks?” he joked.
Jack laughed, but it sounded forced, even to him. The whole time he was thinking, Please don’t open the backpack, please don’t open the backpack....
What happens next? Tune in to find out.
Story by: Maritza Brunt
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt
Queensland Australia 4122
Welcome to a new year of stories - we are so excited to share these with you. Today's story is based on a true story and you need to listen right to the end to find out what happens.
As they approached the dreaded area, the father’s voice broke the tension.
"Now we say Psalm 91 so God can protect us," he said, his eyes scanning the dark path ahead.
Without hesitation, each child silently recited the psalm in their hearts, just as their parents had taught them. The night seemed to grow darker as they stepped deeper into the thick, shadowy trees and overgrown bushes.
Suddenly, the silence was shattered by the loud rattling of metal. Out of nowhere, an old police car, rusted and creaky, came zooming up behind them, its headlights flickering as it approached.
The family watched in shock as the car sped past them, only to screech to a stop near a large, twisted tree just ahead—the very tree they were about to walk under.
But what happens next? Get ready to listen to this true story!
Story by: Esther
Willow & the runaway horse audiobook
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt
Queensland Australia 4122
We are so EXCITED to share with you a bonus episode that was exclusively released for our GIGI STORY CLUB SUBSCRIPTION!
We hope you enjoy this sneak peek off what's inside the membership.
Don't forget that we close subscriptions on December 24th at midnight, and they won’t reopen until sometime in 2025.
Our GIGI kids' story club subscription is filled with wonderful stories, quarterly audiobooks, Q&A with Poppy and Esther and monthly 5-day devotional. Join Today!
Now get comfortable as you listen to the story of THE LOST PUPPY!
Story by: Esther
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt
Queensland Australia 4122
Have you joined the subscription yet? Our subscription will be closing on December 24th, and we’ll only be reopening a few times next year. If you’ve been thinking about joining, now is the perfect time—don’t miss your chance to be part of our GIGI community! We can't wait to welcome you! Join now: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/subscriptions/
Our GIGI kids' story club subscription is filled with wonderful stories, quarterly audiobooks, Q&A with Poppy and Esther and monthly 5-day devotional. Join today!
Today's story is found in your Bibles - you can read it in Genesis 22.
Isaac was sleeping soundly on the mat in his tent home, when God spoke to his father Abraham.
“Abraham,” God called.
Abraham said, “Here I am, Lord.”
“Take your only son, Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah. Build an altar there and offer Isaac on it as a burnt sacrifice to Me.”
Abraham could not believe his ears. Abraham had waited many years for this promised child. He did not understand why God now wanted him to sacrifice his precious son.
But Abraham had learnt to obey God’s commandments, and so he got out of bed and walked over to where Isaac lay asleep. Abraham wept as he looked at his son. They would not have very much time left to spend together. Abraham dried his tears as best he could, then shook Isaac. Isaac opened his eyes sleepily.
Do you want to know what happens next? You can find out by listening to the whole story - it's a great one! Find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Ashlee Price
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt
Queensland Australia 4122
JOIN THE SUBSCRIPTION: https://gigistoryclub.supercast.com/
Our GIGI kids' story club subscription is filled with wonderful stories, quarterly audiobooks, Q&A with Poppy and Esther and monthly 5-day devotional PLUS you'll learn more about Jesus. Join today!
Today's story is about Noah and how unhappy he is with his skin colour. Have you ever felt sad because your skin is a different colour from your friends?
The truth was, Noah would LOVE to wear sunscreen. Every morning when he woke up, he would stand at the bathroom mirror searching for a freckle, any sized freckle, so he could look like Shaun. Noah hated his dark skin. He hated being the only kid on his street with dark skin. He just wanted to be like the other kids.
After he and Shaun had played some more, Noah slowly made his way back to his house. His mum looked up from the stove as he dragged himself inside.
“Are you excited for the first day of school tomorrow?” she asked him.
“No,” sighed Noah, dropping down onto a stool. “Mum, why doesn’t anybody else at school look like me?”
“There are lots of kids at school with your skin colour, Noah, and lots of other skin colours, too,” said Mum.
“None in my class,” said Noah, sadly. “I’m the only one with such dark skin. I don’t like it, Mum. I wish my skin was lighter. I wish I had skin like Shaun’s!”
Do you want to know what happens next? You can find out by listening to the whole story - it's a great one! Find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Maritza Brunt
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt
Queensland Australia 4122
JOIN THE SUBSCRIPTION - Our GIGI kids' story club subscription is open! Join today https://gigistoryclub.supercast.com/
Today's story can be found in your Bibles in John 11. This is the story of Jesus' friend Lazarus and his resurrection.
Lazarus was so sick he couldn’t even talk. All he could do was cough weakly.
Mary ran to the doorway.
“Martha! MARTHA!” she screamed for her sister.
Martha came running. She took one look at Lazarus and began to give orders.
“Mary, you’ll need to get a basin and fill it with water. Some clean cloths, and some herbs. And quickly!” She began to air out the room and gently moved Lazarus onto his side.
Mary stayed in the doorway, worried for her brother. But then she remembered something!
“Martha, we need to ask Jesus to come! He’ll know what to do!”
“You’re right,” Martha agreed. “Send a message to him now!”
Do you want to know what happens next? You can find out by listening to the whole story - it's a great one! Find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Maritza Brunt
JOIN THE SUBSCRIPTION https://gigistoryclub.supercast.com/
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt
Queensland Australia 4122
Hi GIGI Kids!
We've been getting a lot of questions about the GIGI Kids Story Club Subscription, and guess what? We (Poppy and Esther) are answering all of them in this week's special episode!
Curious about everything that is included? You can listen to this episode and find out.
And if you still have more questions, we’d love to hear from you! Just email us at [email protected]
Happy listening!
Esther and Poppy ©
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: Annie Thornton
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt
Queensland Australia
Today's story is about Stompy, the little elephant - she's at her grandparents' farm on holidays and is curious about Cecil the Ostrich. But Cecil gets upset at Stompy and chases her! Get ready to have an adventure with Stompy!
While Lola was busy playing with the baby chicks and the hens, Stompy sneaked away and headed to Cecil’s area.
She peeked over the fence and smiled. “Hi Cecil.” She called.
But Cecil ignored her.
Stompy called again. But Cecil did not budge.
Hmm, thought Stompy. Maybe he can’t hear me. Looking around, she found a long stick. She picked it up with her trunk and poked Cecil gently on the side. “Hi Cecil.” She poked her again.
This time Cecil turned around and stared directly at Stompy.
“Hi?” Stompy called.
Cecil lifted his head and ran towards Stompy. Then with great force he kicked the fence where stompy stood and send her whooshing across the ground.
To listen to the whole story, find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Martha Hughes
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
We have an EXCITING announcement for you today! You don't want to miss out on what's coming in October!
Find a comfortable spot and listen to Esther and Poppy and their latest secret project!
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: Annie Thornton
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt
Queensland Australia
Today's story is about David Livingstone - a missionary and explorer who travelled to Africa to tell others about Jesus.
The life of David Livingstone begins in the town of Blantyre, Scotland. He was born to devoted Christian parents, and at a very young age David developed a love for the outdoors and exploring. One day David climbed to a very high point of the ruins of an old castle, which was higher than any other boy had ever reached, and he decided to carve his name there.
Before David was ten years old, he had memorised the whole of Psalm 119, which is the longest book in the Bible, and he recited it with only five mistakes! David was not brighter than other boys around his age, he was just more determined to learn new things than they were. When he was ten years old, he found work in the cotton mills. There in the factory, David would put his books on the spinning jenny machine, which was an old-fashioned machine people used to help them make cotton for clothes. There he could still be reading and learning even when he was working in the cotton factory.
At the age of twenty, David gave his heart to Jesus and became a Christian. One day, a man called Doctor Carey told the people in the churches about missionary work, and David became excited at that idea. His eagerness grew as there was more talk of mission jobs, and eventually he declared, “I want to show how much I love Jesus by devoting my life to His service and becoming a missionary.”
Do you want to know what happens next? You can find out by listening to the whole story - it's a great one! Find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Ashlee Price
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Read story on the blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/david-livingstone-a-brave-missionary-and-explorer/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Today's story is found in your Bibles - you can read it in Luke 17:11-19 - Jesus heals 10 lepers.
It all started with ten men who were very sick. They had leprosy—a sickness where they had red lumps and bumps on their body. The worst part about leprosy was nobody could touch you, or else they’d get sick, too! So the ten men with leprosy weren’t allowed to live inside their village. They stayed outside, and they must have been pretty sad.
But one day, Jesus was walking to Jerusalem when he came across the village where the lepers lived. One of the lepers sprang to his feet when he saw Jesus coming toward them in the distance.
“Hey!” he called out to his fellow leper friends. “Look! Is that Jesus?”
“It is!” said another leper. “Let’s call out to him!”
The lepers were very excited to see Jesus, because they had heard that Jesus healed people. Could Jesus heal them, too?
“Jesus!” they called out. “Jesus!”
As Jesus came closer, He could see the men with their lumps and bumps. He could see that they were very sick, and His heart filled with care for the lepers. But how many were there? Jesus began to count… one, two, three…eight, nine… ten! Ten lepers! And they were coming closer to him now.
The ten lepers suddenly stopped, afraid they were getting too close to Jesus. They didn’t want to make him sick, after all! But they wanted to get better. They wanted to be healed. As they looked at each other, one of them raised his voice and called out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”
Do you want to know what happens next? You can find out by listening to the whole story - it's a great one! Find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Maritza Brunt
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Read story on the blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/jesus-heals-10-leper/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Today's story is about a little girl called Elodie who finds out an amazing secret...
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a little girl and her name was Elodie. She lived in a simple village with her father, mother, and baby brother. Elodie’s favourite thing to do was read books, pick flowers in the butterfly meadow, and bake yummy treats with her best friend, Annie.
One day, Elodie and Annie were in the kitchen when her father burst through the wooden door.
“Elodie!” he puffed, out of breath. “Where’s your mother?”
Elodie stared at her father in surprise. He was holding a piece of parchment paper tightly in his hand.
“She’s gone to the market,” Elodie told her father.
Father spun around and rushed back out the door.
“What was that all about?” asked Annie.
"I have no idea,” Elodie answered her friend. “I guess I’ll find out later.”
That evening, the family was eating dinner when Father stood up.
“I have something to share,” he said, smiling at Elodie and at Mother, who was feeding the baby in the rocking chair.
Elodie sat up straighter and listened carefully. She didn’t want to miss what Father said!
Father held up the parchment paper he’d come home with earlier.
“This piece of paper says something very special,” began Father. “But I need to explain something first. Elodie, you are a princess.”
Elodie was stunned. She replayed the words in her mind.
“A princess? Me? How is that possible?” she asked Father......
Do you want to know what happens next? You can find out by listening to the whole story - it's a great one! Find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Maritza Brunt
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Read story on the blog https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/elodie-and-the-glass-castle/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Today's story is found in the book of Genesis 11:1-9. All about the greatest tower in the world back in bible times: The tower of Babel.
Jambo! Bonjour! Konnichiwa! We’re saying hello in different languages.
What language do you speak? If you’re listening to this story, you are hearing it in English. Some of you can speak other languages, like Mandarin, or Spanish, or maybe even Arabic!
Well, this story is about a group of people who could all speak only one language—but it wasn’t a good thing! Let’s find out why…
After the big flood that covered the whole earth, God told everyone on board to spread out all over the world. The animals got off the ark and went to find new homes, in the mountains, the lakes, the forests and the deserts. Noah and his family got off the ark too, and as the years went by, the family grew and grew until there were lots of people living on the earth once again.
But they didn’t adventure across the earth. They all stayed together. This wasn’t what God had told them to do.
One day, this big group of people decided to find a new home. They moved all their things into a big desert area, and made lots of bricks to use for homes.
But then, someone had an idea.
“Hey, everyone!” said a person. “Why don’t we build a city with a tower?”
The people liked this.....
To listen to the whole story, find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Maritza Brunt
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
READ STORY ON THE BLOG https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/the-tallest-tower-in-the-world/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
What's on our bookshelf today? Let's see which one of our books Poppy has for us today....
Today's GIGI book of the month is "Stompy's Rainforest Adventures: A collection of stories based on the Fruits of the Spirit."
Today's story is called "Stompy runs away".
Embark on a heartwarming adventure with Stompy the Little Elephant, a lovable character with big lessons to learn! Stompy lives in the rainforest of Africa, where she discovers the world of the Nine Fruits of the Spirit.
Follow Stompy on her journey as she encounters the gentle touch of love, the sweet taste of kindness, and the giggles of pure joy. Through her adventures, Stompy learns important lessons about patience, goodness, and faithfulness.
Each story brings to life a valuable lesson, teaching children the importance of expressing the Fruit of the Spirit in their own lives.
Story one: Stompy Runs Away (Fruit of the Spirit: Love) Story two: Stompy’s First Day of School (Fruit of the Spirit: Joy) Story three: Stompy and the Big Storm (Fruit of the Spirit: Peace) Story four: Stompy and the Bakery Shop (Fruit of the Spirit: Patience) Story five: Stompy’s Gift Baskets (Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness) Story six: Stompy Faces the Bullies (Fruit of the Spirit: Goodness) Story seven: Stompy’s First Campout (Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness) Story eight: Stompy and the Jaguar Cub (Fruit of the Spirit: Gentleness) Story nine: Stompy’s Disastrous Day at the Museum (Fruit of the Spirit: Self- control)
Join Stompy and her friends in these delightful stories with colourful illustrations and heartening messages. A must-read for little ones eager to discover the sweet fruits that make life truly special!
GRAB YOUR COPY https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/product/stompys-rainforest-adventures-9-stories-based-on-the-fruits-of-the-spirit-australia-only/
Don't forget to download your FREE BookFunnel app to listen.
Story by: Esther & Steph
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Read story on blog: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/stompy-runs-away/
Special effect editing: Steph
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Today’s story is about a little seahorse that feels sad because he isn't like anyone else. He wants to be a turtle, an octopus or a Manta Ray and does not embrace who God made him to be.
Below the waters of the deep blue Sea, lived Splash, a tiny seahorse. Early one morning, Splash glanced up to the waters above. It looked so pretty with the rays of the sun splashing and creating a rainbow of light below. He loved his home, but lately he had been a little unhappy.
Hidden in the seagrass beds, he admired Ophelia, the octopus, one creature of the deep. He sighed. His heart felt sad. Why did he have to be so small? How he wished to be strong like Ophelia with her eight groovy arms, which she used to move rocks to build her den.
To listen to the whole story, find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Esther & Steph
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
READ STORY ON THE BLOG https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/splash-the-sad-little-seahorse/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Today’s story is very special as it is written by 7 year old Zaira Lace. This story is about Little M the lion and how he learns that it's important to listen to your parents.
Once upon a time there was a cute lion cub called Little M. He was mischievous and cheeky but lots of fun. His name was special because he was named after his dad, Mighty, the most respected lion in the waterhole. Mighty was the king. Little looked up to his dad, but it was his mum, Inkabel, that Little M adored because she took care of him and played with him every day.
Little M lived in a cozy cave near a beautiful waterhole called ‘Shimmering Waters’. This waterhole was crystal clear and its water tasted ever so slightly of salt. It was surrounded by tangled trees and the edge was dotted with yellow daisies, but Little M’s favourite part was the sparkling waterfall. It was this very waterfall that would get Little M into very BIG trouble.
One particular morning Little M was finishing his breakfast when he heard a familiar sound outside the cave. He ran out excitedly barely hearing his mum and dad plead for him to have fun but be careful.
The sun was shining, the waterfall shimmering and there was his best friend Ginger growling for him to come play with her....
To listen to the whole story find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Zaira Lace
READ STORY ON THE BLOG https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/the-little-lion-and-the-lost-crown/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
What's on our bookshelf today? Let's see which one of our books Poppy has for us today....
Today's GIGI book of the month is "Mei and Ginger: the turtle dilemma."
This story is based on the fruit of the spirit: Self-control.
Meiling Jade Carter is excited as she embarks on a family holiday to Turtle Cove with her parents and Ginger, her fluffy fat cat. She loves animals and wants to keep every single one she sees.
At the island, she makes friends with the ranger’s son Lucas–who has a super adorable Cockatiel and knows so much about animals and Turtle Cove. Mei also goes on a night tour to watch turtle hatchlings make their way to the ocean.
Mei is mesmerised and wants to keep one, but she knows she can’t. These baby turtles need the water to live.
One night during a severe storm, Mei finds a little hatchling that didn’t quite make it to the ocean. With heart thumping and trembling fingers, she picks it up and takes it to her room. She doesn’t tell anyone that she has the little turtle, but what if it gets sick and dies? What can she do?
You can listen to this episode and grab your audiobook at our GIGI library.
GRAB YOUR COPY https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/product-category/audiobook/
Don't forget to download your FREE BookFunnel app to listen.
Story by: Esther & Steph
Website: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
DOWNLOAD YOUR BOOK https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/product-category/audiobook/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Today’s story is about Peter the disciple of Jesus - when an Angel miraculously breaks him free from prison.
Peter’s heart was pounding fast, faster than it ever had before. He didn’t dare sit down, in case a rat crawled over his lap again. At least, he thought it had been a rat. It was pitch black in the prison cell, and he really couldn’t tell what creatures were in here.
Peter inched closer to the bars of the cell door, being careful not to rattle the chains around his ankles too much. The last thing he wanted was for the mean prison guards to hear him. Reaching the cell door, he wrapped his hands around the cold metal bars. How had this happened?
Peter thought about the terrible week he’d had. King Herod hated the church that Peter and his friends belonged to. King Herod hated that they talked about Jesus, and how they believed Jesus was the one true King. Peter hadn’t been afraid of evil King Herod. He knew that Jesus was stronger than any king on earth. But now King Herod had arrested Peter and thrown him into jail. Not only that, but he had sent so many soldiers to guard the prison. There was no way Peter could escape, and he knew it was only a matter of time before King Herod decided to do something even more evil....
To listen to the whole story find a comfortable chair or cosy corner and enjoy!
Story by: Maritza Brunt
READ STORY ON THE BLOG https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/peters-great-escape/
WEBSITE: https://www.gigistorylibrary.com.au/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Today's story is about a little boy called Lucas who gets invited to a birthday party that none of his friends wanted to go to.
Here is a sneak peek
Lining up outside his classroom, Lucas was joined by some of his friends.
“Hey, did you get an invitation to Miguel’s party?” he asked his friend Casey.
“Of course. The whole class got one,” said Casey. “But I’m not going!”
“What? Why not?” asked Lucas.
“Miguel’s weird,” said Casey.
“But we haven’t even really talked to him!” said Lucas.
“Well, I’m not going.” Casey decided firmly.
“Neither am I,” said Alice, who had been listening from her place in the line. “No one really talks to Miguel. I don’t know why he invited us.”
Lucas looked over at Miguel, who was standing by himself at the end of the line...
Find a comfortable chair or a cosy corner and listen to the story.....
Story by: Maritza Brunt
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
This month, we have an amazing story of a very brave woman called Harriet Tubman. She was a slave many years ago and had a sad life - however, that did not stop her from living a full life - instead she helped rescue many slaves.
Here is a sneak peek
A long, long time ago, in a country called the United States of America, there lived a little girl. Her name was Harriet.
Harriet lived with her mum and dad and nine siblings. Life was very difficult for Harriet and her family. Back then, people owned other people, and forced them to do very hard jobs, all day, every day. This is called slavery, and it was very common for people like Harriet, who were born with dark skin.
Harriet and her family lived on a large farm in a place called Maryland. Even when she was very little, Harriet was forced to do lots of chores that she didn’t want to do, and was beaten and punished badly if she didn’t do them right. On the farm, she became very strong, working with cows and animals and planting in the fields.
But one day, something terrible happened to Harriet....
Find a comfortable chair or a cosy corner and listen to the story.
Story by: Maritza Brunt
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
This month we are looking at the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours.
You can read his story in the Bible in Genesis chapter 37 to chapter 50.
Here is a sneak peek...
The baker’s glared at Joseph. How dare he give me this interpretation! I don’t believe it one bit; he thought. But when he remembered the interpretations were from God and not Joseph, he realised he couldn’t be angry. He sighed heavily and soon his angry eyes changed and filled with tears. We don’t know for sure, but we can imagine Joseph putting his arm around the baker to comfort him in his last days on this earth, and perhaps he shared the good news of salvation with him, so that he could decide to follow God before he died. However it happened, we know Joseph was kind and caring and did all he could to uplift the hearts of others around him.
Sure enough, three days later, the baker was taken out to be executed, and the butler was returned to Pharaoh’s palace. …
Find a comfortable chair or a cosy corner and listen to the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours, part 4.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Story by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
This month we are looking at the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours.
You can read his story in the Bible in Genesis chapter 37 to chapter 50.
Here is a sneak peek...
With his hands tied together with rope and his bare feet walking across the hot sand of the desert, he gave his life to God and prayed that the Lord would be with him as he entered the strange land.
Upon arriving in Egypt, they sold Joseph as a slave to Potiphar, who was the captain of the pharaoh’s guards. All around him were people who lived corrupt lives; yet Joseph determined in his heart to do good for his earthly master and to work to the best of his abilities. Though the Egyptians worshipped false gods, Joseph was not afraid to show that he worshipped the God of heaven.
Potiphar saw Joseph was diligent in all that he did, and one day, he asked, “Joseph, what is the secret to your success? I see you working hard all day, and I cannot understand what makes you work so well…”
Find a comfortable chair or a cosy corner and listen to the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours, part 3.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Story by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
This month we are looking at the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours.
You can read his story in the Bible in Genesis chapter 37 to chapter 50.
Here is a sneak peek...
He finally landed sharply on his back at the bottom of the well. The impact stole his breath, and it left him winded and in pain. But there was no one there to save him. He was all alone. It took him a few moments to regather his thoughts. When he realised the sad reality of his situation, fear and despair crept into his heart, yet with his voice he cried out to God, who had always been his safe place.
“Lord, please save me. I am so scared and alone and I am afraid I will never get out of this hole. But I know You are with me no matter where I am, and so long as I have You watching over me, I will be safe….”
Find a comfortable chair or a cosy corner and listen to the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours, part 2.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Story by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
This month we are looking at the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours.
You can read his story in the Bible in Genesis chapter 37 to chapter 50.
Here is a sneak peek...
Meanwhile, Joseph had almost reached the spot where his brothers sat talking, completely unaware of their murderous scheming. He smiled as he drew closer, waving to them, but suddenly shrank back in fear as he saw his brothers slowly coming towards him with menacing looks in their eyes. As he began to turn and run, they easily chased him down and grabbed his beautiful coat, tearing the precious garment from his back. Their grimy fingernails dug painfully into his skin as they seized his arms and dragged him to an empty well close by.
“Brothers, what are you doing?” Joseph screeched in surprise at the turn of events. “Let me go!”
But his cries for help were unheeded as he was picked up and hurled into the dark well. It happened so fast that he hardly knew what was happening until he felt himself falling, falling, falling …
Find a comfortable chair or a cosy corner and listen to the story of Joseph and his coat of many colours, part 1.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Story by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Where in the world are Poppy and Esther today? They are at The Great Barrier Reef - it's wonderful to see God's creation.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Mei and Ginger's books: coming soon! Books will be available end of September or early October.
Buy 30 days with Jesus audio devotional
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
"When they finally reached the place called ‘Gihon’, Nathan the prophet helped Solomon get down from the donkey. All the people and Solomon’s friends crowded around him and Zadok the priest brought out a horn of oil. Solomon knelt down on his knees. Zadok poured the oil onto Solomon’s head and said, “Solomon, God has made you the new king of Israel.”
A trumpet sounded, and all the people standing by played their instruments and sang praises to God. “God save king Solomon!”
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Story by: Ashlee Price
Check out Hannah's and Ezra's gifts
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Where in the world are Poppy and Esther today? They are in China visiting the great wall. Come on an adventure and find out amazing facts. Also, you will hear about another great wall that is in heaven. You can read all about the heavenly city in Revelation 21:11 & 18.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Buy 30 days with Jesus audio devotional
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Naomi wandered back to the door that led to the garden and sat on one of the wooden benches Grandpa had made. Her gumboots made a noise on the tiles as she scraped them back and forth, back and forth. Then she heard a noise. Grandma! She thought.
It was Grandma. But to Naomi’s disappointment, Grandma wasn’t heading her way. She was walking to the front door. As Grandma opened it, Naomi could see one of the next-door neighbours standing on the front step.
“Victor! How are you?” Naomi heard Grandma ask the neighbour.
Oh, that’s just great, Naomi thought angrily. This is going to take forever! Naomi looked out the window at the flowers. She knew better than to go outside without her grandparents, but all she wanted to do was pick her flowers! Surely Grandma and Grandpa could talk to the neighbour some other time. After all, he lived right next door, and Naomi was only visiting for the day.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Story by: Maritza Brunt
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Where in the world are Poppy and Esther? Can you guess the mystery country? Clue: They are helping aunty Nena at the farm - can you guess why?
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Special effect editing: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4113
“Someone must go and destroy the followers of Jesus in Damascus,” one of the Jewish leaders said one day.
“I will go,” Saul said boldly. “I will go and destroy them all.”
Saul and his men rode for a long time. The road to Damascus was through the desert, and they soon got tired of seeing the dry wasteland, where there was nothing green in sight. But as they got closer to the town, they began to pass beautiful grassy fields with lots of bright flowers. Cool, blue streams flowed from the mountains in the distance.
“Look!” one of Saul’s men said. “This is much better than the desert.”
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Story by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Where in the world are Poppy and Esther? Can you guess the mystery country? Clue: They are on riding camels AND they also see pyramids.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Mei and Ginger the turtle dilemma
Special effect editing: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4113
In the very beginning, way, way back in time, before any people or animals or plants existed, the whole earth was empty and dark. Everything was still. But God saw our little planet. He had made a plan at the beginning of time to create this world, and now it was time for Him to begin His work. He spoke with a loud voice and said, “Let there be light”. Brightness suddenly filled the emptiness. God saw that the light was good, so He separated the darkness from the light He had created. He said, “The darkness will be called ‘night’, and the light will be called ‘day.’” Then there was evening and morning, and that was the first day of creation.
God then said, “Let the sky and the waters be separated.” As soon as He said it, there was a great rushing sound. The water separated and the sky was formed. Fluffy, white clouds appeared in the air. The water began to ripple and waves formed on the ocean. And there was evening and morning, the second day of creation....
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Story by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Today is our very last episode of 2022! We will read a few chapters of our free audiobook Mary's Big New - don't forget to download it.
See you in February 2023 with brand-new stories!
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
"Stompy was very excited! The rainforest was looking wonderful just in time for Christmas.
Day and night, Stompy couldn’t stop talking about Christmas. All she cared about was having the biggest Christmas tree, the best decorated house, all the food she could eat, and all the presents she would get. She might even get more gifts than all of her friends!"
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Written by: Martha Hughes
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4122
Where in the world are Poppy and Esther? Can you guess the mystery country? Clue: They are cruising the Seine River! They are visiting the city of lights!
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Special effect editing: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4113
Where in the world are Poppy and Esther? Can you guess the mystery country? Clue: They are cruising the Seine River! They are visiting the city of lights!
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Special effect editing: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4113
Where in the world are Poppy and Esther? Can you guess the mystery country? Clue: They are cruising the Seine River! They are visiting the city of lights!
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Special effect editing: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD Australia 4113
"Bethany saw everyone’s heads turn to look behind them, and she tried to peek past the people to see what was going on. As she looked, she saw the flash of the Egyptian army’s armour reflecting in the sun’s bright rays. Bethany remembered how those soldiers had whipped and beaten her parents when they lived in Egypt. Fear rose up inside her.
“Moses, is this what you had in mind?” a man’s voice yelled from somewhere in the crowd. “Did you really lead us out here into the desert to die?” There was a chorus of angry shouts, and Bethany shuddered.
Bethany was scared, but she was upset that the man was angry at Moses, because she liked Moses. She remembered how he was always kind to her whenever he came to visit her family back in Egypt.
“What are we going to do?” Bethany asked her father.
Father knelt down to Bethany’s height and put his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eye.
“Now Bethany, even though everyone else is blaming Moses for what is happening, we are going to pray. Because God knows what’s happening and He will help us.”
Mother knelt down as well, and they all took each other’s hands and closed their eyes.
“Dear Lord, we know that you are still with us. Please help us now, and deliver us from these Egyptians we pray, amen.”
“Amen,” Bethany and Mother echoed.
They stood up and then heard Moses speaking. Everyone became silent as they listened...."
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Written by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
Poppy and Esther are on an Island doing mission work with aunty Nena. They are up high in a treehouse. Where do you think they are?
Tune in to find out.
BOOK OF THE MONTH: Willow and the runaway horse
Check Zoe's colouring of Mei and Ginger
Special effect editing: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
"After breakfast, Thomas watched sulkily as his brother wheeled his bike out of the garage next to Mikey’s.
“You can come next time, okay?” Said Josh. Thomas nodded and watched as they rode down the hill, waving goodbye. ‘I can’t wait till I’m bigger’ Thomas thought to himself. Just then he heard a noise behind him. It was Dad sliding under the car.
“Whatcha doing Dad?” Thomas asked.
“Got to change the oil” Dad replied. “It’s well overdue.”
“Thomas lay down on his belly to have a look. His Dad had a spanner in one hand and seemed to be trying to loosen something with great effort.
“This…thing….is so….TIGHT!” Dad grunted.
“I can help!” Thomas said.
“Aw thanks bud” said Dad “but your muscles are a bit too small for this job. Why don’t you go play outside?” he suggested.
“Ok…” Thomas sighed.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Written by: Rosie Smith
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
Poppy and Esther are in a faraway country - and it's freezing cold! Can you guess where they are?
Tune in to find out.
BOOK OF THE MONTH: Patches finds a home: Buy here
Special effect editing: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
"Long ago in a land called Canaan,
Lived Ol’ Uncle Abe and his nephew Lot.
It was the best place on earth.
Of course, it was God’s promised spot.
God had blessed them
With more than can be told.
But soon, with no space between them,
The people were angry and ready to explode.
"The shepherds want social distance,” said Uncle Abe.
“They think it’s their right.
We may need to part ways.
After all, we don't want a fight!
“So Lot, you choose where to go first.
And I’ll go second.
Now that’s a pretty fair deal.
What do you reckon?”
Tune in to listen to the whole story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Written by: Vikram Panchal
Book of the month: Nick and the moonlight animals
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
Poppy and Esther are in a country far away - they are on a tour in Jordan. Can you guess what they will do in Jordan?
Tune in to find out.
Special effect editing: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
“Look Mother, is that Jesus?” a little boy called Nathan cried in horror. His mother rushed to his side, and, looking to where he pointed, she saw Jesus walking along a path, carrying a rugged cross, surrounded by a big group of people.
Mother gasped. She grabbed Nathan’s hand and together they ran to see the sight. It was Friday afternoon, and many people had gathered outside the city of Jerusalem to see the crucifixion.
"Nathan and his mother stopped behind a group of weeping women, and watched the scene with grief. Nathan saw Jesus fall to the ground under the weight of the heavy cross, and then he turned to see the Roman guards grab a man from out of the crowd and order him to carry Jesus’ cross for Him.
Jesus stumbled along behind the man who carried His cross, and Nathan could see the deep red marks on Jesus’ back from where He had been whipped. He saw the crown of thorns that dug into His head, which caused blood to flow down His face, and He had bruises all over his arms and legs. What on earth has happened to Jesus? Nathan wondered in shock. Who would do this to Him?"
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Written by: Ashlee Price
Poppy's glitter box rock craft
Book of the month: 30 days with Jesus
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
Poppy and Esther are in a country far away looking for Bengal Tigers. Can you guess which country they are in?
Tune in to find out.
Book of the month: 30 days with Jesus
Special effect editing: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
"Aidan had walked past giraffes and zebras, all the way to the meerkat enclosure. But there was no sight of any tigers. By now he was determined to go back to his family, certain the show would have finished. I am going to be in such big trouble! Aidan thought as he ran up the road he came - or so he thought.
Everything looked different than he remembered. There was now water where there had been trees before. I’m sure this is the way I came, he thought to himself. He stopped as he rounded a corner, tears welling up in his eyes. I’m lost! He looked around to ask someone for help, but the road was empty. Maybe the zoo is closing, Aidan thought miserably, Maybe…my family have gone home without me. Aidan buried his face in his hands and wept."
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Written by: Rosie Smith
Book of the month: 30 days with Jesus
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
"Captain Naaman soon heard about what Little Maid had said. He agreed with her idea and soon he and his men got into their horse’s chariots and travelled straight to Elisha’s house in the far away land of Samaria.
Upon arrival, Elisha’s servant opened the door with a message from the prophet Elisha. ‘The Captain is to go and wash in the Jordan River seven times and then he will be made well again.’ When he heard this instruction, Captain Naaman was outraged. Why should I have to wash in the dirty Jordan River? He thought angrily. The rivers of Damascus are far cleaner than all the waters in Israel. Why can’t I wash in them to be healed?
He began to walk away in frustration, but his loyal servants stopped him. ‘Sir, if the prophet had asked you to do something hard, you were prepared to do it. So why can’t you wash in the Jordan River, when it is so easy to do?’ "
Today on the story we share the story of Naaman when God heals him from leprosy.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Written by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
There was a war in Eleonor’s country.
Big airplanes flew above as the sky started to go dark one Sunday night. They zoomed through the sky and threw bombs to the tiny colourful houses below.
“Hide!” Eleonor’s papa cried out and in a hurry all her brothers and sisters and mum and dad rushed to hide under the beds, tables, and chairs.
Eleonor’s heart beat fast in her chest.
She was afraid.
Another bomb exploded nearby.
“Kids, you need to pray for God’s protection.” Her papa instructed. His voice drifted from his hiding place and floated to Eleonor’s ears and her siblings.
Everyone nodded.
Eleonor closed her eyes and prayed to Jesus.
Tune in to listen to the whole story and find out who the real Eleonor is - a secret will be revealed.
We are also doing our yearly fundraiser and would love your help so we can continue doing this ministry and more stories. You can find more information by clicking the Donate button below.
Written by: Esther Espinoza
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
(The bible story Joshua and the walls of Jericho)
"Joshua listened carefully to what God was telling him. He didn’t want to get anything wrong! Then he repeated it to the Israelites. And so, on the very first day of the week, the Israelites set out to march around the city.
The bad people who lived in the city of Jericho thought the Israelites were crazy.
Joshua knew that the Israelites wanted to say things back to the people of Jericho, but he told them to stay quiet.
“Just keep walking!” he said. “The time will come when you can finally make your voice heard.”
And so, the Israelites continued their long march around the city walls. When they had finished their lap, they went back to their camp. The next day, they were up and walking again. And the next day. And the day after that, too.
Now the people of Jericho were really confused.
“What are they doing?” they wondered...."
Today on the story we share the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho.
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
Written by: Maritza Brunt
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
"Over the first week of having their new dog, Danielle and her family were pleased to see the two dogs getting along well. But one day during the second week of Bella’s arrival, they noticed a problem.
“Jack,” Josiah called from the couch. Jack came running, his furry ears flapping as he leapt onto the couch next to Josiah. The next moment, Bella also came running, her nails clicking on the tiles. She jumped onto the couch and tried to get between Josiah and Jack. Josiah laughed.
“Mum, guess what! I called for Jack and Bella comes running too! I don’t think she likes me getting time with just Jack; she wants to have the attention as well.”
At first, they thought nothing of it, but they started to question Bella’s behaviour when she would try to push Jack out of the way while he was being patted, or when he was eating his food."
Today on the story we share the story of two little dogs - Bella and Jack -
Tune in to listen to the whole story.
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See Olivia's photo and Origami heart
Written by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
Today's podcast episode is a little teaser of our new audio story bundle coming October 5th! These bedtime stories will be the perfect bundle to bring peace to your child before they go to sleep. You will love Goodnight God bedtime stories.
Listen to the episode to find out what the story is about....enjoy this little sneak peek.
Nicholas Cooper lives in the big city. One day he goes to visit his uncle Robert who lives in the country. Uncle Rob promises to go camping with him which is very exciting as Nick has never camped before. But, while camping he hears a lot of different night sounds that he isn’t used to.
Uncle Rob explains to him about the moonlight animals that God created. Even though Nick is scared of each sound, he wants to learn to trust Jesus.
SIGN UP: I'm interested in the book bundle
Written by: Del Carmen
Read to you by: Angus Scott
Mastered by: Alex Fereirra
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
Today's podcast episode is a little teaser of our new audio story bundle coming October 5th! These bedtime stories will be the perfect bundle to bring peace to your child before they go to sleep. You will love Goodnight God bedtime stories.
Listen to the episode to find out what the story is about....enjoy this little sneak peek.
Stompy the little elephant almost trips and falls with her old slippery slippers. Grandmother elephant comes to visits and together they go hunting for the perfect pair. Finally after much search, Stompy finds the ones she loves.
Pink slippers with fluffy pom poms on top and a little jingly bells that goes ling, ling, ling each time she walks. Stompy wears them all the time and leaves them everywhere.
One day as she gets ready for bed she can’t find her slippers. Upset and nervous Stompy looks for them everywhere. Oh no, what would grandmother say if she finds out she lost them? Will she ever find them?
SIGN UP: I'm interested in the book bundle
Written by: Martha Hughes
Read to you by: Sharda Laskowski
Mastered by: Alex Fereirra
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
Today's podcast episode is a little teaser of our new audio story bundle coming October 5th! These bedtime stories will be the perfect bundle to bring peace to your child before they go to sleep. You will love Goodnight God bedtime stories.
Listen to the episode to find out what the story is about....enjoy this little sneak peek.
Twins Alex and Audrey Lewis are in the middle of a storm helping their mum and dad bring in their barn animals from the heavy rain and strong wind. The ducks are playing in the puddles, the hens are running wild and too slippery to catch, the goat has fled somewhere in the field. The twins work hard to bring them all to safety.
Then Audrey hears a little noise – it sounds like a hurt animal. But it’s not one of theirs. What animal could be injured? The kids head behind the barn to investigate – Audrey’s heart melts when she sees the baby animal in need.
SIGN UP: I'm interested in the book bundle
Written by: Esther Espinoza
Read to you by: Clare Staniforth
Mastered by: Alex Ferreira
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
Today's podcast episode is a little teaser of our new audio story bundle coming October 5th! These bedtime stories will be the perfect bundle to bring peace to your child before they go to sleep. You will love Goodnight God bedtime stories.
Listen to the episode to find out what the story is about....enjoy this little sneak peek.
It’s winter and Lily-Belle has been asked by her mum to go and take a bath. They are a family of eight, so being the youngest gives her the advantage of having a bath before the hot water gets cold. But, Lily-Belle is a little distracted with the snow falling outside and too busy imagining adventures in dark caves with her cat Kitty.
When she finally makes it to the bath – there is no hot water left! Lily-Belle can’t sleep – she’s itchy and uncomfortable and cranky. Then she hears voices and little excited giggled coming from her siblings. What could be happening? She peeks out of her room and can’t believe what she is seeing! She really does have amazing brothers and sisters.
I'm interested in the book bundle
Written by: Esther Espinoza
Read to you by: Clare Staniforth
Mastered by: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
NOTE: CHANGE OF DATE: Audiobook Bundle will be released Tuesday 5th October.
Today's podcast episode is a little teaser of our new audio story bundle coming in September! These bedtime stories will be the perfect bundle to bring peace to your child before they go to sleep. You will love Goodnight God bedtime stories.
Listen to the episode to find out what the story is about....enjoy this little sneak peek.
Mei and Ginger: The Turtle Dilemma is the first book in a series that will cover the fruits of the spirit in a simple way for kids to understand.
The fruit of the spirit covered in this story is: Self-control.
Meiling Jade Carter is excited as she embarks on a family holiday to Turtle Cove, with her parents and Ginger her fluffy fat cat. She loves animals and wants to keep every single one she sees.
At the island she makes friends with the ranger’s son Lucas – who has a super adorable Cockatiel and knows so much about animals and Turtle Cove. Mei also goes on a night tour to watch turtle hatchlings make their way to the ocean.
Mei is mesmerised and wants to keep one, but she knows she can’t. These baby turtles need the water to live.
One night during a severe storm, Mei finds a little hatchling that didn’t quite make it to the ocean. With heart thumping and trembling fingers, she picks it up and takes it to her room. She doesn’t tell anyone that she has the little turtle, but what if it gets sick and dies? What can she do?
Written by: Esther & Stephanie
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
“Then King Nebuchadnezzar leaped to his feet in amazement and asked his advisers, “Weren’t there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire?”
They replied, “Certainly, your Majesty.”
He said, “Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods.” Daniel 3:24-25
Today on the podcast we are sharing the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, the three Hebrew guys that were thrown into the furnace for not bowing to the statue.
Tune in to listen to the whole story of David and Goliath....
Written by: Maritza Munoz Brunt
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
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Mary's big news free audiobook
Mary's Big News Activity booklet
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PO BOX 6505
Mt Gravatt
QLD 4113
"David swung up and onto his donkey and rode all the way to the battle grounds. He spotted his brothers and approached them. As he was talking to them, he heard a voice shouting curses at the Israelite army. It was the Philistine’s champion warrior named Goliath. He was far taller than David and the rest of the mighty Israelite soldiers. He had a big, glistening sword and the ground seemed to shake wherever he walked. The Israelites trembled with fear as they heard Goliath’s voice. David soon learned that Goliath had been standing in the valley, cursing the Israelites and their God for forty days now.
‘Send one man to fight me. If he defeats and kills me, we will be your slaves. But if I defeat and kill him, you will be our slaves!’ his voice shook the ground as he spoke.
David was angry that Goliath would say such terrible things about God and His people, and he was determined not to let God be dishonoured. ‘Who is this Philistine, that he thinks he can defy the army of the living God?’ David exclaimed."
Tune in to listen to the whole story of David and Goliath....
Written by: Ashlee Price
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
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Mary's big news free audiobook
Mary's Big News Activity booklet
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PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
A large herd of elephants gathered at the waterfall and together they headed to the city.
A few hours later Stompy noticed something coming into view and she gasped.
Her eyes rounded.
“Welcome to the city Stompy!” Papa elephant trumpeted pointing with his trunk at the ginormous place in front of Stompy...
Today story is about Stompy the little elephant who goes to the city for her birthday. What will she see?
Tune in to listen....
Written by: Martha Hughes
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
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Sienna and her friends all gave her a loud good morning.
“Today you will get to pet and feed the animals and I will introduce you to all the animals we have here.” Josie said pointing to all the land around her.
Sienna, Liam and Jorja and all of 3J clapped and cheered.
It was going to be a very fun day!
The tour began and the first place they stopped was to see Marvin and Archie the miniature pigs. One was a black pig with brown high lights and the other was blond and brown.
“These pigs fight over the food.” Josie said, “That’s why they are to be fed apart.”
After they gobbled every single piece they continued their journey and went to meet Rasha, the miniature horse who loves his carrots and a good pat
“Let’s keep moving children.” Mr Jones called out, “Sienna, Jorja and Liam don’t stay behind please.”
Sienna and her friends reluctantly left the horse and ran to catch up with the rest of 3J.
Today story is about Sienna who goes to an exciting excursion with her class 3J. Sienna and her friends see all sorts of farm animals and fall in love with them.
Tune in to listen....
Written by: Melissa McKay & Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
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In the darkness of the night Levi started his journey. He shook his head sadly. Cinnamon had always been adventurous and obviously must have seen something that caught his attention and sent him on an adventure.
If only he knew the dangerous out there! Levi thought to himself.
In the shadows Levi could just make out the sharp edges of the rocks – so tall and menacing but breathtakingly beautiful in the daylight.
As he climbed up the narrow dark pathway of the mountain, mysterious and frightening sounds echoed all around him.
Suddenly in the distance Levi heard a lion roar.
The roar reverberated around him; He stopped moving and leaned against a rock – his heart thundering in his chest. It seemed that the wolves and lions were roaming the night....
Tune in to listen to the whole story of the lost sheep....
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Mary's big news free audiobook
Mary's Big News Activity booklet
Written by: Esther Espinoza & Kimberley Giselle
Special effect editing: James Wagner & Elle Thornton
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
Check Micah's & Reane's drawings
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
That night after dinner, Nan rugged Allira up in warm clothes and took a blanket for them to sit on outside.
“Look up!” said Nan.
“Woah!” exclaimed Allira. I didn’t know there were so many stars in the sky! There must be thousands.”
“Trillions!” said Nan. “The Bible tells us that God knows how many stars are in the sky, and He knows them all by name! Isn’t that something? They’re hard to see with the city lights where you live,” Nan continued. “But out here, with no lights, you can see them so much easier.”
“There’s the Milky Way!” said Allira. “We learnt about it at school.”
“Yes,” said Nan. “But did you know there’s an emu in the Milky Way?”
“What do you mean?” asked Allira.
“Look at the black spaces inside the Milky Way.” Nan pointed. “If you look really hard, you can see the shape of an emu running.” She outlined the shape with her finger.
Allira concentrated really hard, and then she saw it.....
Tune in to listen..
Mary's Big News audio chapter book
Mary's Big News Activity booklet
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Written by: Shanelle Fiaalii
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
Today's story is from a long time ago - early 1940's. It's about Diego who had to work with his father in the coffee bean plantation. He was only 7 years old and work was hard. One day he accidentally stepped on a rattlesnake.....
Tune in to listen......
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Written by: Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
This is a true story about a relative of yours. Your great great great grandfather, with too many great’s before it to number. A long time ago, when rain never fell, and giants roamed the land, there was a man named Noah. He was a good man, in fact, he was the only man at the time who loved God and did what was right, even when no one was looking...
This is his story..
You can find the story of Noah in Genesis 5:1-28
Tune in to listen!
Written by: Rosie Smith
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122No
"Suddenly, he felt a strange presence come behind him. Jesus’ skin prickled, his eyes flung opened and turned around. One look and he knew he was with the enemy.
Jesus staggered slightly but caught himself on the rock. He sent a quick prayer for God to help him.
A sardonic laughter echoed around him, “Look at you, pale, lonely, weak! Aren’t you the son of God?”
Today we are sharing a devotional from our book "Travel through the bible; devotional for kids"
The story is when Jesus is at the wilderness. You can find the story in Matthew 4:1-11& Luke 4:1-13
Tune in to Listen....
Written by: Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
Jesus walked towards his cousin and stood in front of him.
“I come to be baptised. Please baptise me.”
“What? No, no I cannot!” John staggered back, “You should baptise me! I am not worthy to baptise you.”
“John,” Jesus started to say, “I need to fulfil this from my father. He says I am to be baptised and I must obey.”
John opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He sighed and stared at his cousin, “I will baptise you.” He whispered.
Jesus walked into the cool water and bowed his head in respect, ready to be baptised.
John lifted his hand and prayed."
Today we are sharing a devotional from our book "Travel through the bible; devotional for kids"
The story is when Jesus gets baptised. You can find the story in Matthew 3: 13-17
Tune in to Listen....
Written by: Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
"Suddenly Joseph’s raised frantic voice interrupted her cooking, “I can’t find him. No one has seen him!”
Mary gasped and clutched her chest, “Have you asked his cousins, aunts, uncles? What about the older people. Jesus must be helping someone in need! You know what he’s like.” The last words died in her throat when she saw Joseph’s pale face. “No.” He said shaking his head.
“We need to find him! We have to go back to Jerusalem!” She ran around the tent and grabbed some clothes."
Today we are sharing a devotional from our book "Travel through the bible; devotional for kids"
The story is when Jesus gets lost at the temple. You can find the story in Luke 2:41-52
Tune in to Listen....
Written by: Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
“All aboard!”
The shrill whistle of the train announced its soon departure. Gladys nervously dusted off her skirt and picked up her small suitcase.
Here we go, Lord, she thought to herself. It had been a difficult journey to get this far, and yet, this was only the beginning of her life as a missionary.
Today's story is about Gladys Alyward the missionary that went to China to tell others about God's love. But her journey as a missionary was not an easy one!
Tune in to Listen to part 2....
Written by: Rosie Smith
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
“All aboard!”
The shrill whistle of the train announced its soon departure. Gladys nervously dusted off her skirt and picked up her small suitcase.
Here we go, Lord, she thought to herself. It had been a difficult journey to get this far, and yet, this was only the beginning of her life as a missionary.
Today's story is about Gladys Alyward the missionary that went to China to tell others about God's love. But her journey as a missionary was not an easy one!
Tune in to Listen to part 1....
Written by: Rosie Smith
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
"Jonathan’s eyes sprang open."
“Today’s the day!” He thought to himself. “Today I get to see Jesus in real life!”
Today's story is a very well known and loved bible story of when Jesus feeds the 5000.
Can you imagine being a kid who witnessed one of Jesus miracles? It would have been exciting.
Today you get to listen about Jonathan, a young boy that goes on a long trip to see Jesus.
It is his fish and bread that Jesus uses to feed thousands of people.
You can find today's story in Matthew 14:13-21
Tune in to Listen....
Written by: Rosie Smith
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
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Harrison is excited! He loves to build things - things made out of wood. One day his dad gives him some new wood and Harrison gets busy creating a masterpiece.
He doesn't tell anyone what he's working on until he shows them the little sail boat he's made.
But one day during a storm Harrison lost his boat - he's devastated because he's worked so hard on it.
But something exciting happens 3 months later....
Tune in to listen!
Bible reading for today: Matthew 27:32-56
Written by: Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
Do you believe in the power of prayer? Stef, the girl in our story does too. One day Stef started having seizures and no one knew what it was - her mum decided to take her to the doctors to find out what was happening in her brain.
After a few tests, the doctor tells her that she has a brain tumour and they need to operate really quick.
Stef is scared and knows that only the power of prayer can help her get through it.
Tune in to listen!
Written by: Stef
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Email us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Deep in the woods lives an old potter who makes the most amazing and beautiful creations. One day he decides to make a new creation called progress - But progress isn't happy with what she looks like -
Tune in to listen!
Written by: Rosie Smith
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: [email protected]
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Poppy, Esther and Valentina are visiting auntie Nena on her farm. They are having a wonderful time horse riding and making cookies -
Auntie Nena and Valentina make some delicious choc chip cookies for a sick neighbour. This gives Esther an idea on a story that Jesus told about a man who had his little daughter sick and dying.
He goes to see Jesus so he could heal her. Can you guess who it is? Yes, Jairus!
You can read the full story Luke 8:40-56
Tune in to listen.
PLUS don't forget that this is our season finale - we will be back with new episodes in February 2020!
Written by: Esther & Steph
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: EMAIL US
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Mei and Ginger are back! Mei is very unhappy because during the school holidays she has to do an report on her culture.
But she has a secret - she HATES her culture and wishes that she looks like her mum and dad.
But why doesn't she look like them? Find out in this episode.
Tune in to listen.
Written by: Esther & Steph
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: EMAIL US
PO BOX 6505
Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Today's devotional is called DIAMONDS IN THE SKY.
GENESIS 1: 14-19 “And God said, Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years, and let them be lights in the vault of the sky to give light on the earth…..”
In this devotional you will learn a little bit about God creating the stars, the moon and the sun. You will also learn some interesting facts about the stars!
We hope you love it. TUNE IN!
Written by: Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: EMAIL US
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
This weeks’ devotional is called “Sea Creatures and birds in the sky.”
GENESIS: 1: 20-23 “And God said, “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky. So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. God blessed them and said, be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth. And there was evening, and there was morning—the fifth day.”
Aren’t you glad God created some really cool animals? God created horses, dogs, birds, lions, lambs, elephants, whales, dolphins and so much more. Today you will learn a few animal facts that are VERY INTERESTING! It reminds us of how GREAT our God really is!
Written by: Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: EMAIL US
Read Devotional HERE
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
The devotional for today is called NO MORE DARKNESS!
GENESIS1:3-5 “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day, and the darkness he called night. And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.”
Are you afraid of the dark? Do you jump with fright when you hear creepy sounds in the middle of the night and you can’t see where they’re coming from? Me too!
In this devotional you will learn about God creating day and night – how God thought of everything in all he did.
Written by: Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Read Devotional HERE:
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Today's morning devotional is called “GOD MADE OUR EARTH BEAUTIFUL”
GENESIS: 1:1-2 “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.”
You will learn a little bit about God creating our earth from a formless shape to what it is today.
Written by: Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: EMAIL US
Read the devotional on our blog
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Ellie, Natalie and little Jonny are visiting their grandparents farm - they love going there all the time.
One day, Poppa gets given 5 Turkey's and the girls are excited to see them plus they look weird and wrinkly. But, Jonny doesn't like them and decides that chasing them and bullying them is much more fun.
Even after his dad Matt told him not to chase them, Jonny doesn't listen and he gets into trouble with the Turkey's. Let's just say that he won't be chasing turkey's for a very long time.
Tune in to listen and don't forget to give us a review please!
Written by: Giselle
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: EMAIL US
Read story on the blog: Adventures at poppas & Nannas Farm.
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Today's episode is a well known bible story of when Jonah runs away from God and hides on a ship.
God had told him to go and preach to the Ninevites but Jonah got scared and decided to run away - but God didn't leave him or forget him - he grabbed Jonah's attention in a big way.
Read the story in the bible in the book of Jonah -
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Esther Mae
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: EMAIL US
Read story on the blog & craft: READ AND CREATE
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
We have a HUGE announcement! Our podcast name is changing to Car Ride Stories for GIGI Kids.
We are excited to announce that the podcast stories is now for boys and girls ages 5-10!
Welcome GIGI Kids - we hope you continue loving the stories!
Hugs from the team: Valentina, Esther & Poppy x
Stompy the little elephant is back! Stompy has started school - her teacher is preparing all the little animals for their first Sports Day. But, Stompy isn't impressed. She says that she knows everything and doesn't need to do any of the obstacle course set up. Instead she hides behind a tree and eats her berries. When Sports Day comes, Stompy's day does not go as planned. Maybe she should have practiced! Let's just say that pride does go before a fall.
Tune in to listen and find out what happens......
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Martha Hughes
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Today we are sharing the true story of Jacinta. After a riding accident Jacinta has to spend 6 months in a wheelchair and on crutches - it's a long slow process but God got her through it.
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review! The review will help us reach more girls and not be invisible.
Written by: Jacinta Bergel
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: contact us
Read story on the blog: power of prayer
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Emilia is in a BAD MOOD! She's mad that it's Sunday morning and raining - she has nothing to do and NO ONE at home has time to play with her. She's in a bad mood and can't get out of it.
But things soon change when she starts chasing her brother Cruz around the house. Mums tells them to stop but she doesn't listen. A trip to the hospital makes her rethink her bad mood!
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Esther Mae
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: EMAIL US
Read story on the blog: Emilia's bad mood
Recipe: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/emilias-bad-mood/Recipes
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Today we are talking about cats! We have 3 different little cat stories.
1. Jorja is praying for a cat - will God answer her prayer?
2. Tamasine 'rescues' an abandoned cat and learns a lot.
3. The adventures of Lulu the rich cat. Lulu is bored of her rich life and decides to run away. She gets in some real sticky situations. Will she learn her lesson?
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Melissa McKay & Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/3-cat-stories/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Being bullied is NOT fun and it's NOT nice. Lot's of girls around the world deal with bullying. Today we are sharing 3 true stories of girls that were bullied PLUS Poppy shares a few tips on what to do if you are being bullied.
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Different Authors
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/when-i-was-bullied/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
This is the story of the True meaning of Easter - Jesus died on the cross for us and was buried in a tomb BUT, he didn't stay there. Listen to the story to see what happenes!
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/jesus-is-alive/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Watch Poppy's Easter video: https://youtu.be/Ue7twhWR2_g
Based on a true story: Chanty was born with a really bad back and was suffering extremely horrible pains. The doctors said that she needed an operation but there were risks. They said that she could end up paralysed and never walk again! Chanty was extremely scared - what should she do? Listen to her story and find out.
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Chanty
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/the-power-of-prayer-chanty-story/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Video get well cards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqhDX5uE5mY&t=2s
Bethany has to do a family tree presentation in front of her class - but there is ONE BIG PROBLEM! Bethany is extremely terrified of public speaking. What is she going to do? Tune in and listen to what happens.
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Kimberley Giselle
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog:https://www.gigigirlstories.com/bethanys-speech/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Today's story is based on a true story written by Ally - her story show the power of prayer and how God really does take care of us.
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Alexandra Simmons
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/ally-the-miracle-girl/
On the bookshelf: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/shop-book-bundles/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Jesus and his disciples are caught in a huge storm - they are scared and think they will die - but Jesus protects them and calms the storm - you can read the whole story in Mark 4:35-41
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/jesus-calms-the-storm/
Watch the origami video by Poppy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=up-K0T_xw8s
On the bookshelf: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/shop-book-bundles/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Wilbur the Woolly is a story about trusting the good shepherd. Follow Wilbur the sheep on his journey as he learns to trust in the shepherd's love for him and discovers that getting his own way isn't always best.
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Nikki Rogers
Visit the website: www.createdtobe.com.au
Shop books: https://www.createdtobe.com.au/store-1/
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/wilbur-the-woolly/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Based on a true story: Mae and Lorena go on a church trip and have a drowning accident - only God can save them. A powerful story -
Tune in to listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/saved-from-drowning/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Travel through the bible with us and meet exciting men and women from the past. These are their stories. Turn the page and listen.
Today's we are sharing chapter 6 of Little miss GIGI's very first audio chapter book "Mary's big News"
This is the story of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus like you have never heard it before.
There are 10 chapters in the audio book and it comes with an activity booklet.
You can get your own FREE COPY OF THE BOOK HERE
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written & Narrated by: Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/marys-big-news-chapter-6/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Travel through the bible with us and meet exciting men and women from the past. These are their stories. Turn the page and listen.
Today's we are sharing chapter one of Little miss GIGI's very first audio chapter book.
This is the story of Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus like you have never heard it before.
There are 10 chapters in this book and it comes with an activity booklet.
You can get your own FREE COPY OF THE BOOK HERE
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/marys-big-news/
Written by: Mae Esther
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: https://www.gigigirlstories.com/marys-big-news/
Freebie: http://eepurl.com/dPFNUz
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Ellyse is in the army - but not any army - it's the heavenly army of God. The commander gave her a cool armour to wear and also weapons she needs to fight against the dark one - We ALL need these weapons to be protect. Tune in a listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Nadelle Manners
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog:https://www.gigigirlstories.com/gods-warrior-princess-part-1/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Ellyse is in the army - but not any army - it's the heavenly army of God. The commander gave her a cool armour to wear and also weapons she needs to fight against the dark one - We ALL need these weapons to be protect. Tune in a listen....
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Written by: Nadelle Manners
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog:https://www.gigigirlstories.com/gods-warrior-princess-part-2/
Freebie: http://eepurl.com/dNYE5w
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD Australia 4122
Sooty and Snow is a fun book about an adventurous chicken who insists on finding ways to get over the fence. Will Sooty realise that the fence is there to keep her safe and that home really is best?
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
Author: Nikki Rogers
Author's website: http://www.createdtobe.com.au/store-1/
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog:https://www.gigigirlstories.com/sooty-snow/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Today's story is about Hannah from the bible - you can read all about her in 1 Samuel 1. Hannah is really sad because she wants to have a baby but hasn't got one. Sometimes she is bullied and made fun of. But, one day everything changes when Hannah goes to the temple to pray.
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
Story written by: Alicia Lee Long
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog:https://www.gigigirlstories.com/hannah/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Mei is in trouble again! She wants to eat the chocolate panda cookies that dad brought her from his trip - but she can't get them because they are locked in his car - so, the only solution she sees is to open dad's car with something sharp. Um, maybe not the best decision that Mei had made. Tune in and listen to Mei's adventures.
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog:https://www.gigigirlstories.com/mei-and-the-chocolate-panda-cookies/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Stompy lives in the deep jungle of the Congo in Africa - she lives with her mama and papa and her sister - Stompy has a bad temper - she wants to have her own way all the time - One day this temper gets her into trouble and only God can send help to save her. Let's just say that she gets in a sticky situation.
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Story written by: Martha Hughes
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/stompy-the-little-disobedient-elephant/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
DOT TO DOT PICTURE: http://eepurl.com/dDcmnX
This is the story of Queen Esther - You can find her story in the bible - in the book of Esther -
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Story written by: Alicia Lee Long
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/the-brave-queen-as-told-by-alicia-lee-long-part-2/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Get crown template: http://eepurl.com/dA_87T
In this episode you will find out all about Daniel in the lions den and how God protected him. You can also read the story in the bible -
Daniel 6:1-20.
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Story written by: Steph
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog:https://www.gigigirlstories.com/daniel-in-the-lions-den/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
This is the story of Queen Esther - You can find her story in the bible - in the book of Esther -
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Story written by: Alicia Lee Long
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/the-brave-queen-as-told-by-alicia-lee-long-part-1/
Get crown template: http://eepurl.com/dA_87T
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Olivia is new at school - all she wants is to make friends but she is too scared to join a group. Feeling lonely she goes off to the library to read a book - one day she finds a note in the book she's reading and she wonders who it's from. Could it be from a new friend? Who is E?
Listen and find out.
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/the-mystery-friend-part-2/
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Sharon Witt: https://www.sharonwitt.com.au/
Olivia is new at school - all she wants is to make friends but she is too scared to join a group. Feeling lonely she goes off to the library to read a book - one day she finds a note in the book she's reading and she wonders who it's from. Could it be from a new friend?
Listen and find out.
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/the-mystery-friend/
Recipe link - no longer available
Write to us: PO BOX 6505 Upper Mt Gravatt QLD 4122
Today's story is based on true events - it's the story of Maria when she was 7 years old and she got lost at the fair. It's a great story and I hope you enjoy it.
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/lost-at-the-fair/
Today's story is about baby Moses - You can find the whole story in Exodus 2:1-10 -
We hope you enjoy it :)
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Download your Decode message game: http://eepurl.com/dvTbrn
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/amongst-the-reeds-baby-moses/
This is the final part of Mei's story - in this episode she finally has to tell the truth! But do things go really bad? Will Leila and Mrs Warren forgive her? Listen to part 4 of the story.
Be sure to subscribe to the show and please leave us a review!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Download your butterfly craft: http://eepurl.com/dvl8lP
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/mei-and-ginger-part-4/
In this episode Mei's mum confronts Mei about the jam stains she found on her dress. Mei doesn't admit the truth so she lies and has a really terrible, awful, bad day. She really does want the day at school to be over! Listen to part 3 of the story.
Be sure to subscribe to the show!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Download colouring page: http://eepurl.com/dtQtCn
Download your cat: http://eepurl.com/duoDiL
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/mei-and-ginger-part-3/
In this episode 81/2 year old Mei and her fluffy fat cat Ginger sneak back into the pantry to steal more jam. But things change when a visitor comes to Leila's house and is angry at her for not having all of her jam orders. Mei is worried - she knows that Ginger and her are hiding a terrible secret. Listen to part 2 of the story.
Be sure to subscribe to the show!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Download your cat: http://eepurl.com/duoDiL
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/mei-and-ginger-part-2/
Mei is a cheeky 8 1/2 year old girl that loves her fluffy fat cat Ginger. However, one day when she's at Leila's house, Mei decides to go to into the pantry and eat some delicious raspberry jam. She sneaks to the pantry with Ginger and closes the door behind her. She hopes she doesn't get caught! But will she get caught?
Be sure to subscribe to the show!
Special effect editing: James Wagner
music credit: http://www.purple-planet.com/
Download your colouring page: http://eepurl.com/dtQtCn
Be on the podcast:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/podcast/
Write to us:http://www.gigigirlstories.com/contact/
Read story on the blog: http://www.gigigirlstories.com/mei-ginger-part-1/
Get your freebie here: http://eepurl.com/dtQtCn
A wonderful world of inspiring stories awaits you here at ‘car rides with little miss GIGI.’ Here you will find stories that are original for the podcast plus some awesome bible stories brought to life and written specifically for us. These stories will delight and inspire your little girl imagination and excite her to know more about God. You can listen in the car, at home or in bed. Be inspired anywhere! Help us spread the word so more girls can listen to these stories. Plus please leave us a review which will help us immensely.
Don't forget to subscribe and be up to date with each story.
Visit website: www.gigigirlstories.com
En liten tjänst av I'm With Friends. Finns även på engelska.