79 avsnitt • Längd: 10 min • Veckovis: Onsdag
Welcome to Carmelite Quotes, where we share the wisdom of Carmelite saints and authors to inspire your spiritual growth. Join us for insightful reflections and heartfelt prayers that resonate with the timeless teachings of the Carmelite tradition. Explore our extensive collection of quotes at https://carmelitequotes.blog and deepen your connection to the rich heritage of Carmelite spirituality.
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Pope Francis appoints Saverio Cannistrà, O.C.D., as Archbishop-elect of Pisa. Learn about his Carmelite roots and new pastoral mission. To read more, visit carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Blessed Marie-Eugene lived for God’s love, prayer, and mission. Discover his vocation as a friar and founder in our latest episode. For more by and about Blessed Marie-Eugene, visit carmelitequotes.blog Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the inspiring life of St. Henry de Ossó, a priest and educator who dedicated his life to leading souls to Christ through education and prayer. Read more from St. Henry when you visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Explore the lives of Sts. Peter Thomas and Andrew Corsini—peacemakers and pastors—through their inspiring stories and remarkable portraits. Visit our website for prayers and readings: carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the inspiring life of St. Kuriakos Elias Chavara and his Sayings to Children, offering timeless wisdom for families and faith-filled living. To read more quotes from the saint, visit carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Pope Francis canonized the 16 Carmelite Martyrs of Compiègne! Learn about their heroic faith and sacrifice: Visit carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover how Blessed Mary of the Angels turned a plague into mercy, inspired St. John Bosco, and shaped Carmelite history. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog to learn more!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Explore St. John of the Cross's spiritual wisdom and learn how his writings guide us toward God. Start your journey today with this reading guide! For excerpts from his works, visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the marvels of God’s love through the life of St. Maria Maravillas of Jesus—faithful, courageous, and wholly devoted to God. To read more about her, visit carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover St. John of the Cross’s invitation to walk the path of love in our 2024 novena introduction. Visit our website for all the novena prayers: carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the heroic story of Blessed Denis of the Nativity and Blessed Redemptus of the Cross—Discalced Carmelite martyrs who gave their lives for Christ in 1638. For a deeper dive into their faithful witness, visit carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover how Blessed Anne of Jesus shaped the Carmelite reform through courage, prayer, and a deep love of God—even in suffering. To learn more about Anne, visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the inspiring journey of St. Raphael Kalinowski, from Siberian exile to restoring the Carmelites in Poland, a story of faith, unity, and transformation in trial. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog to learn more!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us as we reflect on the feast days of All Carmelite Saints and All Souls, exploring prayer, penance, God’s merciful love, and the call to holiness in the Carmelite family. You can learn more about these feast days on our website, carmelitequotes.blog Music credit: Sean Beeson
Contemplate St. Elizabeth of the Trinity’s famous prayer, a profound call to dwell in God's infinite love and surrender fully to Him. Discover more of her writings at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Blessed Francis Palau saw the Church as his ‘Beloved’ and dedicated his life to her service, founding the Carmelite Missionaries and inspiring generations. Explore his passion at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Portuguese hero Nuno Alvares Pereira left glory for a humble life with the Carmelites. His greatest triumph? Faith and devotion to Our Lady. Visit our website to learn more: carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Explore the inspiring journey of Blessed Frances d’Amboise, a duchess who left privilege behind to bring Carmel to Brittany. Discover more from her inspiring biography at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us to explore how Blessed Maria Teresa of St. Joseph’s mission and devotion to the Sacred Heart harmonize with themes in Pope Francis’ Dilexit Nos. Her legacy lives on in the Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus and their work with the poor and marginalized. Discover more at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us for Abiding in God’s Presence, a nine-day novena with St. Elizabeth of the Trinity, discovering how to live as a "praise of glory." Visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog for all the novena prayers!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us as we explore St. Teresa of Avila's path to reform, focusing on her teachings of prayer, sacrifice, and spiritual renewal. For more inspiration, visit carmelitequotes.blog!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us as we introduce our 2024 St. Teresa of Avila novena, "Humility and Truth." Explore daily insights that deepen your spiritual journey and help you walk the way of perfection. Visit carmelitequotes.blog for the full novena readings!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us as we explore the connection between St. Thérèse of Lisieux and Blessed Anne of Jesus, recently beatified. Learn about Thérèse's inspiring dream, Anne's role in expanding the Carmelite reform across Europe, and how their legacies continue to shape the Church today. Visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog for more inspiration!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the wisdom of St. Albert of Jerusalem, the author of the Carmelite Rule, as we explore his timeless guidance on prayer and contemplation. Learn how his insights continue to shape Carmelite spirituality and how they can inspire your own spiritual journey. For more inspiration, visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us as we celebrate Blessed Mary of Jesus, a Discalced Carmelite who faced trials with unwavering faith. Discover her inspiring story of perseverance, humility, and trust in God’s plan. Visit our website for more inspiration at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the mystical experience of St. Teresa of Avila’s Transverberation—a heart-piercing encounter with an angel's flaming dart. Join us as we explore her powerful words! For more Carmelite wisdom and inspiration, visit carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover how a vision from God inspired St. Teresa of Avila to reform the Carmelites, beginning with St. Joseph's Monastery, founded on this date in 1562. To learn more about the monastery, visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Celebrate the feast day of St. Edith Stein, St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, as we explore her powerful reflection on the "Sign of Contradiction." Join us to delve into her journey of faith, intellect, and martyrdom. Visit carmelitequotes.blog for more inspiration.
Music by Sean Beeson.
Celebrate the Feast of St. Albert of Trapani with us. Discover his life, miracles, and legacy that continue to inspire the Carmelite family. Visit carmelitequotes.blog for more insights and spiritual enrichment!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us for an inspiring conversation with Father Miguel Márquez, Superior General of the Discalced Carmelites. Discover how he embodies hope and faith, even in challenging times, and learn about his many experiences as the General. Visit carmelitequotes.blog for more!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join our 2024 St. Edith Stein Novena, "Zeal for Truth." We explore her letters from 1924 to Dr. Roman Ingarden, discovering daily themes of faith and reason in the zeal for truth. Visit carmelitequotes.blog for all the novena prayers.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the inspiring life of St. Titus Brandsma, a Carmelite priest, professor, journalist, and martyr. Reflect on his deep spirituality through his poem, 'Prayer Before an Image of Christ.' For more insights, visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us as we honor the four Blessed Discalced Carmelite nuns martyred during the Spanish Civil War. Their faith, courage and love is inspiring! Visit carmelitequotes.blog for more inspiration.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Explore St. John Paul II's reflections on how Mary, as our loving Mother and Mediatrix, intercedes for us, supports us in our spiritual journey, and has a unique participation in Christ's mediation. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog for more inspiration!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Explore the profound relationship between Elijah and God with insights from St. Edith Stein. Learn how Elijah's life of zeal, penitence, and unwavering obedience can inspire us to deepen our own faith and commitment to serving God. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog for more quotes from the Carmelites about our Holy Father Elijah.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Uncover the true story of the Carmelite martyrs of Compiègne. Learn the difference between fact and fiction, and honor their courage and faith by discovering their names and ages. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog to view historical news clips, stained glass, testimonies, and more.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Celebrate the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel with us. Join as we explore insights from Carmelite superiors Míceál O'Neill, O.Carm. and Miguel Márquez Calle, O.C.D., and deepen your spiritual renewal with Mary. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog for more inspiration!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the inspiring life of Saint Teresa of the Andes, a young Carmelite whose heart was ablaze with love for Christ and the Virgin Mary. Despite her brief life, she left a lasting legacy of holiness. We explore her story and reflect on her message of infinite joy in God. Learn more about Teresa on our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us as we celebrate the feast day of Saints Louis and Zélie Martin, parents of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. Discover their inspiring journey of faith, love, and perseverance in family life. You can learn more about Saints Louis and Zélie, see our novena prayers, and read excerpts from their letters when you visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us for the 2024 Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel, inspired by the Flos Carmeli hymn. Each day, we reflect on the hymn's verses with insights from St. Teresa of Avila. Discover the beauty of Carmelite spirituality and seek Mary's powerful intercession. Visit our Carmelite Quotes website for the full text and daily meditations.
Join us for the 2024 Sts. Louis and Zélie Martin Novena. Reflect on their faith, trust in Divine Providence, and dedication to family life. Seek their intercession through nine daily meditations inspired by their letters. Find all of the novena meditations and prayers on our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Explore the profound spirituality of Blessed Mary Josephine of Jesus Crucified, her miraculous healing, and her deep empathy for suffering humanity. Listen to her inspiring reflections and learn how to embrace your own crosses with joy and compassion. Visit our Carmelite Quotes blog for more insights and prayers.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the profound spirituality of Blessed Maria Candida of the Eucharist. Her deep devotion to the Eucharist and acceptance of suffering reveal a path to union with Jesus. Listen to this episode for more on her inspiring life and writings. For prayers and more insight, visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us as we explore the life and prophetic ministry of Elisha, whose feast day is newly celebrated by the Discalced Carmelites. Learn about his miracles, including healing Naaman and raising the dead, and discover the profound legacy he leaves in Carmelite tradition. Explore this and the Carmelite feast day prayers on our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the inspiring story of Blessed Alphonsus Mary Mazurek, a Discalced Carmelite priest and martyr, whose unwavering faith and dedication led to his martyrdom during WWII. Join us as we explore his life, contributions, and legacy, and visit the Carmelite Quotes website for more details.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Discover the inspiring life of Blessed Anne of St. Bartholomew, St. Teresa of Avila’s close companion. Learn about her spiritual insights, contributions to the Carmelite Order, and her role as the Protectress of Antwerp.
Discover the lives of all the Carmelite saints, and explore our powerful novenas. Subscribe to the Carmelite Quotes podcast and visit carmelitequotes.blog for more.
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we conclude our Marie du Jour series with a reflection on the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, drawn from St. Elizabeth of the Trinity's Last Retreat. St. Elizabeth meditates on Mary's journey to visit her cousin Elizabeth, emphasizing Mary's humility, serenity, and profound awareness of God's presence within her. As we celebrate the feast of the Visitation, we are invited to emulate Mary's virtues and become true bearers of Christ in our daily lives. Join us for this inspiring reflection on the transformative power of living in God's presence. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog for more insights and resources.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Marie du Jour series, we explore the life of the Servant of God Hermann Cohen, who led the first pilgrimage to Lourdes on September 20, 1858. Despite barricades and restrictions from civil authorities, Father Augustine-Mary Cohen gathered hundreds of people in front of the grotto, leaving a lasting impression on St. Bernadette. Discover Cohen's profound conversion, deep Eucharistic devotion, and impactful journey to Lourdes. Visit carmelitequotes.blog to read more by and about the Servant of God.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of our Marie du Jour series, we reflect on the charity of the Discalced Carmelite friars and the fervent Marian devotion of refugees at Stella Maris Monastery during the 1948 conflict in Haifa. Discover a remarkable story of resilience, faith, and community amidst turmoil. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog to read the account of Father Elias Friedman, OCD, and view historic photos.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Explore the life and prayer of Blessed Chiquitunga in this episode of our Marie du Jour series. Learn about Blessed Maria Felicia's devotion to the Virgin and her profound prayer for "Love to Love." Discover how we can embody this love through acts of service. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog for more insights.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Marie du Jour series, we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary with insights from St. Teresa of the Andes. Reflecting on her diary entry from February 22, 1919, we explore her profound meditation on living in God's presence through purity in thought, desires, and deeds. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog for more quotes and reflections.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of our Marie du Jour series, we reflect on a profound quote from Saint Mary of Jesus Crucified, taken from her unpublished notebooks. St. Mary of Jesus Crucified extols the Blessed Virgin Mary as the epitome of strength and purity, emphasizing her heart filled with Jesus and her serene exterior. Join us as we explore the inner strength that comes from a heart filled with Christ and seek to emulate the Blessed Virgin's example in our own lives. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog for more insights and quotes from Carmelite saints.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of our Marie du Jour series, we learn that in 1587, St. Mary Magdalene of the Incarnate Word de Pazzi experienced a profound ecstasy while fervently praying for chastity. The Virgin Mary appeared to her, assuring her that she had already triumphed over impure temptations. Mary placed a pure white veil on the saint, promising she would no longer suffer such temptations. From that moment, Mary Magdalene felt free from carnal desires and remained pure throughout her life. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog to read this powerful passage and learn more about this great saint.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us in this episode of our "Marie du Jour" series as we reflect on the profound sacrifice of the Blessed Martyrs of Compiègne, sixteen Carmelite nuns who were guillotined during the French Revolution. Hear the moving story of these nuns who sang the Salve Regina en route to the guillotine, expressing their tender, helpless abandon to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Discover more about these heroic women and their enduring legacy when you visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode titled Mary and Motherhood, we explore a quote from St. Edith Stein's essay-lecture The Ethos of Women's Professions (1930). We reflect on how the image of the Mother of God embodies the spiritual attitude that corresponds to a woman's natural vocation. Additionally, we discuss St. Edith Stein's thoughts on professions outside the home, emphasizing that women have unique talents and capabilities that enable them to excel in various professional fields. Visit carmelitequotes.blog for more inspiring content by and about St. Edith Stein.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us in this Marie du Jour episode as we reflect on a powerful quote from the Servant of God Père Jacques de Jésus. Discover his insights on the honor and privilege of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the ongoing act of creation. Learn more about Père Jacques and read inspiring Carmelite wisdom at carmelitequotes.blog. Don't forget to subscribe and share!
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we continue our Marie du Jour series by exploring St. Thérèse of Lisieux's visit to the Church of Our Lady of Victories in Paris. Joined by her father, St. Louis Martin, and her sister, Céline, St. Thérèse experienced a profound spiritual encounter that convinced her of her healing and deepened her devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph. Listen as we share St. Thérèse's heartfelt account and reflect on the significance of this visit in her spiritual journey. Visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog for more insights and reflections on Carmelite spirituality.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us in our continued Marie du Jour series as we explore a heartfelt letter from St. Louis Martin to his wife, St. Zélie Martin. Written during a business trip to Paris, this letter reveals the depth of their love and devotion. Discover how St. Louis’ faith, including his profound love for the Blessed Virgin and experience at the Church of Our Lady of Victories, reflects his unwavering commitment to God and family. Visit the Archives of the Carmel of Lisieux to explore more of the writings and correspondence of St. Thérèse and her family. And for more quotes, insights, and reflections, visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us in our Marie du Jour series as we explore a profound quote from Saint Edith Stein's essay, The Prayer of the Church. Discover how the power of the Holy Spirit came over the Virgin Mary praying alone in Nazareth, bringing about the Incarnation of the Savior, and how this inspires our own contemplative prayer. For the collected works of Saint Edith Stein and other Carmelite saints, visit icspublications.org and for more Carmelite quotes, insights, and reflections, visit our website, carmelitequotes.blog.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us in this episode of Carmelite Quotes as we continue our 'Marie du Jour' series with a reflection on a Marian quote from St. Titus Brandsma's 1915 essay, Saturday Evening in the Church of the Carmelites. Discover how he describes the Carmelites singing the Salve Regina and how his deep devotion to Mary provided him strength and comfort during his imprisonment and martyrdom. We explore the significance of his words, the eschatological hope in Mary's intercession, and the importance of the Scapular in Carmelite spirituality. Let St. Titus Brandsma's example inspire your own Marian devotion and trust in her protection. Visit us at carmelitequotes.blog for more Carmelite wisdom.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we honor the 99th anniversary of St. Thérèse of Lisieux’s canonization on May 17, 1925. Known as the Little Flower, St. Thérèse’s profound spirituality and simple, yet powerful teachings continue to inspire and encourage us today. We reflect on her cherished poem, "My Song for Today," and delve into the insights of renowned Carmelite authors Father Conrad de Meester, OCD, and Cardinal Anders Arborelius, OCD, on her deep trust and Marian devotion.
For more books by and about St. Thérèse, visit ICS Publications. And don’t forget to visit our website at carmelitequotes.blog for more quotes and inspiration from Thérèse and other Carmelite saints.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we delve into the life and spiritual insights of Servant of God Hermann Cohen, also known as Augustine Mary of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Discover his profound devotion to the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary, highlighted by a powerful quote from his 1863 lecture at the Malines Catholic Congress. Reflect on the significance of the brown scapular in Carmelite spirituality, especially on the feast day of St. Simon Stock. We also share timeless wisdom from Popes Pius XII and St. John Paul II on the importance of the scapular. Join us for an inspiring journey into Carmelite devotion and heritage. Visit carmelitequotes.blog for more insights and links to official resources on the brown scapular devotion.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we continue our Marie du Jour series by exploring the deep Marian devotion of Saints Zélie and Louis Martin, parents of St. Thérèse. We share insights from Marie Martin, Thérèse’s godmother, including fascinating historical details about their family’s cherished statue, "the Virgin of the Smile," and its unusual origins. Join us for an inspiring reflection on the Martin family's faith and love. Learn more about the Martin family on our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we continue our Marie du Jour series by exploring the profound Marian spirituality in the life of St. Teresa of Avila. Reflecting on a poignant passage from her autobiography, "The Book of Her Life," we delve into the deepened devotion Teresa experienced following the loss of her mother. Through the vivid account provided by biographer William Thomas Walsh, we uncover how the early spiritual nurturing from her mother and the practice of praying the Rosary each day shaped Teresa's lifelong connection with Our Lady. Join us as we draw inspiration from Teresa's journey, finding strength and solace in our Blessed Mother. For more inspiring quotes and stories about St. Teresa of Avila, visit our blog at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode, we explore a poignant moment from May 1991 when Venerable Maria Lucia of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart, one of the seers of the Fatima apparitions, receives an unforeseen directive to meet with the pope in Fatima. Despite her preference for seclusion, Lucia's obedience and humility are put to the test in this meeting with the Holy Father, Saint John Paul II. Join us as we delve into this remarkable encounter, illustrating the balance between personal humility and the call to visible witness and obedience, captured through the compassionate words of Pope John Paul II: "We have to oblige." Discover more about the life of Venerable Lucia when you visit our blog at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us in this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast as we explore the Marian devotion of Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, the 17th-century Discalced Carmelite friar from Paris, who is known for his simple yet profound spirituality. In today's Marie du Jour series, we delve into how Brother Lawrence’s tender affection for the Blessed Virgin Mary influenced his daily life, offering us a path to deeper intimacy with God through Mary’s guidance and intercession. For further reflections and spiritual maxims from Brother Lawrence, visit our blog at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode titled "Mary's Ordinary Life," we explore Bishop Silvio José Báez's reflections on the Virgin Mary's life, distinguished by simple routines and profound faith. Bishop Báez illuminates how Mary, "full of grace," navigated the challenges of daily life with a steadfast spirit, showcasing her as a model of grace and transparency with God. Join us to discover how Mary's example can inspire our own spiritual journeys in everyday moments. To dive deeper into the bishop's teaching on the Virgin and scripture, visit us at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we continue our Marie du Jour series of Marian reflections with the poem Pool of God by Jessica Powers, also known as Sister Miriam of the Holy Spirit, OCD. Her profound verses explore the Virgin Mary as a 'pure, transparent pool reflecting God, only God,' inviting us into a deeper understanding of surrender and the desire to reflect God alone. Join us as we delve into Powers' unique Carmelite vision and discover how her poetic imagery can encourage us in our own spiritual journey. You can read more poetry by Jessica Powers on our website, carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we continue our Marie du Jour series with a reflection on the relationship between the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Apostle through the words of Père Jacques de Jésus. Discover how their union of love and prayer reveals the power of staying close to Christ through His Mother, and learn how Mary can help us bear our crosses with love. Visit us at carmelitequotes.blog to read more words of wisdom from the Servant of God Père Jacques and pray for his beatification, too.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity reflects on the humble beauty of Mary, the "Virgo fidelis," who lived recollected in God's presence and embraced His divine will. Discover her powerful meditation on the Faithful Virgin, and be inspired to live with humility and trust like Mary. Visit the Carmelite Quotes blog for her famous Prayer to the Holy Trinity and more wisdom from the Carmelites.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we delve into the life and spirituality of Saint Teresa of Jesus of the Andes, exploring her profound reflections on silence, solitude, and the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Through her letters and insights, Teresa invites us to embrace the Carmelite spirit of prayerful contemplation and to emulate Mary's silent, loving presence in our own lives. Join us as we journey through the wisdom of St. Teresa of the Andes and discover the timeless relevance of Carmelite spirituality in today's world. For more inspiration from Carmel, visit our Carmelite Quotes website at carmelitequotes.blog
Music Credit: Sean Beeson
Join us in our reflection on the Virgin Mary as the Mother of Grace, exploring a profound meditation by Saint Edith Stein on divine virginity and Christ's love for sinners. Discover how the Virgin of virgins, beneath the cross, became the Mother of Grace, offering her maternal love to every soul seeking Christ. Let Edith inspire you to embrace Mary's example and become a beacon of God's grace for others. Visit the Carmelite Quotes blog for more inspiration, too, at carmelitequotes.blog
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Explore the profound influence of silence in the Virgin Mary's life in this episode of "Carmelite Quotes." Drawing from the wisdom of Père Jacques de Jésus, we delve into how Mary's deep, contemplative silence allowed her to receive divine messages and live in constant communion with God. Join us as we reflect on her silent journey and its implications for our own spiritual practices. Discover more about the role of silence in Carmelite spirituality, and find resources for deeper engagement, including a special prayer for the beatification of Père Jacques de Jésus when you visit the Carmelite Quotes blog.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us on Carmelite Quotes as we delve into the depths of St. John of the Cross's poem, "A Christmas Refrain." Together, we explore the Virgin Mary's journey to Bethlehem with St. Joseph for the census, carrying within her the divine Word. Reflect on the timeless message of preparation, hospitality, and the invitation to welcome Christ into our lives. We feature the translation by Discalced Carmelite friars Kieran Kavanaugh and Otilio Rodriguez, and then offer a comparison with the translation by E. Alison Peers. Follow Carmelite Quotes for more inspirational episodes and visit our blog at carmelitequotes.blog for more daily reflections from the Carmelites.
Music credit: Sean Beeson
Join us as we dive into a mystical experience with St. Teresa of Avila. In this episode, she shares her vision of the Mother of God in the prioress' monastery choir stall, surrounded by angels. Explore more inspiring quotes from St. Teresa on the Carmelite Quotes blog. | Music credit: Sean Beeson
In this episode of the Carmelite Quotes podcast, we delve into Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity's profound letter to Abbé Chevignard, a young seminarian on the brink of ordination. Elizabeth draws parallels between Abbé Chevignard's journey and that of the Virgin Mary, inviting him to embrace his vocation with joy and gratitude.
Remember to subscribe to the Carmelite Quotes podcast for more inspiring quotes and reflections. Visit carmelitequotes.blog to explore Saint Elizabeth's reflections on Mary as a model of faith and surrender, offering inspiration for all who seek to follow God's call with a faithful heart. | Music credit: Sean Beeson
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