Cast Party: A Dungeons & Dragons Podcast
The Critters of Town:) must try to find the missing piece of the glass barrier to secure passage to the Festival. Their searches, however, lead them to the front door of the Archedevil of Wyldacre
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Watch the Full Video Episode on YouTube!
Use Code ""CASTPARTY” at FanRoll for 10% off your new dice set!
Use Code ""CASTPARTY"" at Uknite The Realm for 10% off your new DND Streetwear!
Additional Audio by the incredible, TableTop Audio
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Business Email:
Cast Party P.O. Box:
Colin McManus
P.O. Box #3126
Woburn MA, 01888
Jose (Director) - @DMJoseP
Ryan (Fiffin) - @Ry.McManus
Nigel (Pond) - @NigelSucksLmao
Betty (Quinn) - @who.the.lovely
Seth (Cheese) - @Knocktopus
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